釈迦に説法(Lecturing to the Buddha)


















Shaka ni sesshou” is a proverb meaning that it is pointless to go out of one’s way to teach or explain a subject to someone who knows it well. It comes from the metaphor of how pointless it is to try to further explain the teachings of Buddhism to the Buddha, a great being who preaches the teachings of Buddhism.

Origin and Meaning
Shakyamuni” is the honorific title of Gautama Siddhartha, the founder of Buddhism. In Buddhism, Sakyamuni is the supreme knowledgeable and enlightened being, the person who knows more about Buddhism than anyone else. To preach to the Buddha is like giving more teachings to someone who has knowledge, and is therefore meaningless.

Examples and Usage
Shaka ni sermpo” is generally used in the following situations

Explaining to an expert or skilled person.
For example, when explaining the basics of medicine to a long-time doctor, or when trying to teach a professional chef how to cook a dish, it is sometimes pointed out that “that is shaka ni sermpo.

Advice to a knowledgeable person
When a newcomer teaches the basics of the industry to a veteran employee with extensive experience in the industry, it is often considered by others to be “shakuhachi” (preaching to the Buddha).

As an expression of humility
It is sometimes used as an expression of modesty. When speaking to a superior or someone with a great deal of expertise, you can give the impression of humility by prefacing your speech with “I know this is a bit of a rhetorical question, but….

Lessons conveyed by “Shaka ni sermpo
Shaka ni sakuho” includes the lesson of respecting the other person’s knowledge and experience and avoiding unnecessary explanations. The proverb reminds us that when explaining things to someone, it is important to take into consideration their level of knowledge and understanding, and to refrain from giving meaningless explanations or advice to those who are knowledgeable.

Similar expressions
In Japanese, expressions such as “dasoku” and “neko ni koban” are also used to discourage useless actions and excessive explanations. Although these expressions and “shaka ni sermpo” are used in different situations, they are used with a similar intention, as they both warn against waste and excess.

Shaka ni sermpo” is a proverb that points out the pointlessness of further explaining something to someone who already knows it, and includes the lesson of respecting the other person’s knowledge and experience. It is a Japanese proverb used in a wide variety of situations, including everyday conversation and as an expression of humility.






  1. ウミガメの掃除(Cleaning sea turtles)

  2. 猿も木から落ちる(Monkeys also fall from trees)

  3. 石の上にも三年(Three years on a stone)

  4. 犬も歩けば棒に当たる(Even a dog, if it walks, will bump into a pole)

  5. 三人寄れば文殊の知恵(The wisdom of three is better than the wise)

  6. 本の重み(Weight of a book)

  7. 顔に泥を塗る(Smear mud on the face)

  8. 大山鳴動して鼠一匹(A big mountain shook and one rat came out)

  9. フェイクニュース(Fake news)

  10. 欲に目が眩む(Blinded by greed)