一攫千金(Seize a great opportunity at once)



















Ichikkatsu Senkin” is a four-character idiom meaning the act of getting a large amount of money or a large profit at once, or the act of aiming to achieve great success at once. Ippku” means ‘to grab at once,’ and ‘Senkin’ refers to a very large amount of money. In other words, “Seize a great opportunity at once” expresses the act of trying to gain a huge amount of wealth with a single chance.

Origin and Background
Although “Seize a great opportunity at once” is not a word that originated in a specific period of time, it is an expression influenced by the Chinese character culture from ancient China. Originally, “Seize a great opportunity at once” and with the addition of “千金,” it came to express how one could obtain a large amount of profit at once.

This expression has come to refer to obtaining a large sum of money or profit in a single success, mainly by taking advantage of luck, talent, or chance opportunities, and is used especially in business, gambling, investment, and lotteries, where the goal is to “get rich quick”.

Examples of Modern Usage
The term “get-rich-quick” is used to indicate a hope or action for a large profit or achievement in a short period of time.

Investment and business opportunities
Aiming to get rich quick by investing in stocks or virtual currencies to make a sudden rise is expressed as “aiming to get rich quick. It is especially used in situations where one expects success in high-risk, high-return investments.

Lottery and gambling
The act of trying one’s luck by buying lottery tickets or spending large sums of money at casinos is also described as “getting rich quick. This is another example of taking advantage of a fortuitous opportunity to make a large profit.

New businesses and start-ups
Starting a business with a groundbreaking idea and aiming to make a huge profit in a short period of time by going to market with great success is also sometimes described as “getting rich quick. This expression is especially used for successful ventures.

Similar expressions
The phrases “get rich quick” and “tanakarakarabotamochi” have similar meanings, but they differ in that they imply that a large profit can be obtained without effort. The nuance of “get rich quick” is slightly different, as it often involves a challenge or effort that involves some degree of risk.

Lesson learned.
While “get-rich-quick” expresses the hope of seizing an opportunity for great gain in life, it also suggests the danger of risky challenges. The desire and expectation to accomplish something in a short period of time is understandable, but the consequences of failure must also be considered. It also teaches us the importance of acting cautiously, remembering to make a solid effort and plan ahead.

Get rich quick” means to aim for a large sum of money or great success in a short period of time. Especially in business, investment, gambling, and lotteries, the term is often used as a dream, an expectation, or a challenge with risk.






  1. 急がば回れ(Haste makes speedy)

  2. 仏の顔も三度(A Buddha only forgives three times)

  3. 犬も歩けば棒に当たる(Even a dog, if it walks, will bump into a pole)

  4. スーパーボランティア(Supervolunteer)

  5. 大山鳴動して鼠一匹(A big mountain shook and one rat came out)

  6. 雲泥の差(The difference between clouds and mud)

  7. 頭隠して尻隠さず(Hide your head, don’t hide your butt)

  8. 泣きっ面に蜂(Bee stings while crying)

  9. 出る杭は打たれる(The nail that sticks out gets hammered in)

  10. 井の中の蛙大海を知らず(A frog in a well does not know the ocean)