✅ 努力すれば高い地位を得られる
✅ 苦労を乗り越えれば大きく飛躍できる
✅ 江戸時代から、端午の節句(こどもの日)に「こいのぼり」を飾る風習が生まれた
✅ 「子どもが大きく成長し、立派に出世するように」との願いが込められている
✅ 武士の家では、男子の出世を願い、家紋入りのこいのぼりを掲げた
✅ 「鯉の滝登り」とは、努力して困難を乗り越え、大成功を収めることのたとえ。
✅ 中国の「登龍門」伝説に由来し、「滝を登った鯉が龍になる」という言い伝えがある。
✅ 日本では「こいのぼり」の由来となり、子どもの成長や出世を願う風習と結びついた。
✅ 現代でも、仕事や学業、スポーツなどでの成功を表す比喩として使われる。
Koi no taki nobori” is a metaphor for overcoming difficulties through hard work and achieving great success.
It is especially used as a symbol of success, promotion, and success in life.It is derived from the Chinese legend “Noborimon” (登龍門).
The Legend of the “Long Dragon Gate” and the Carp
The legend of “Dragon’s Gate” is based on a rapids waterfall (Dragon’s Gate) in the Yellow River in China.
According to this legend, among the carp that travel up the Yellow River, the one that climbs over the “Dragon Gate,” a waterfall with a violent current, is said to transform into a dragon.From this,
✅ If you work hard, you will attain a high position.
✅ If you overcome hardships, you can make a great leap forward.
This is the meaning of the word “kakumei” in Chinese.In particular, it became popular as a symbol of success in the Chinese government’s official examinations for promotion.
Carp Climbing Waterfalls” in Japan
This legend was also introduced to Japan and came to be used as a word of good luck.
In particular, it is closely related to the origin of Koi Noboris (carp streamers).✅ The custom of decorating Koi Noboris (carp streamers) on Boys’ Festival (Children’s Day) began in the Edo period.
✅ It is a symbol of the wish that the child will grow up to be a great man and rise in the world.
✅ Samurai families displayed carp streamers with their family crests on them, wishing for the success of their boys.Thus, in Japan, carp is a symbol of hard work and success.
Symbolic Usage of “Carp Climbing Waterfalls
Symbol of success and advancement
Promotion or advancement in a company
Example: “He succeeded in a new business and was promoted to a director. That’s just like a carp climbing a waterfall.”Passing an examination or qualification test
Example: “He passed a difficult university after studying hard. It is truly an accomplishment like a carp climbing a waterfall.Success in sports or entertainment
Example: “He went from being an unknown athlete to a national champion. It is like a carp climbing a waterfall.”Symbol of prosperous business and good luck
Paintings and ornaments of carp as lucky charms
Paintings and hanging scrolls of “carp climbing waterfalls” are sometimes displayed as a symbol of wishes for business and prosperity.Motifs of temples and shrines
Statues or paintings of “carp climbing waterfalls” are sometimes dedicated as a prayer for success.✅ “Carp climbing a waterfall” is a metaphor for overcoming difficulties through hard work and achieving great success.
✅ It is derived from the Chinese legend of the “Dragon Climbing Gate,” which says that a carp that climbs a waterfall becomes a dragon.
✅ In Japan, it became the origin of “koi-nobori” (carp streamers), a custom associated with wishing for the growth of children and their success in life.
✅ Even today, it is used as a metaphor for success in work, academics, and sports.Thus, “Koi no Taki no Asari” is not just a legend, but a term that is still widely used today as a symbol of hard work and success!