派遣切り(Dispatch cut)






































2012年 労働者派遣法改正


2015年 労働者派遣法改正














The term “dispatch termination” refers to the unilateral termination of a contract with a temporary worker by a company due to economic downturn or poor performance. Especially after the Lehman Shock in 2008, a large number of temporary workers lost their jobs due to the termination of their contracts, which became a social problem. The term was nominated for the “2008 You-Can New Words and Trendy Words Award ”** that year, and has become widely recognized.

What is “Hakenkiri”?
Meaning and Background

The term “dispatch hikiri” refers to when a company terminates a contract with a dispatched worker before or after the expiration of the contract period, without renewing the contract.
It is a widespread phenomenon in which large numbers of temporary workers are laid off as part of employment adjustment, especially during economic downturns.
Unlike regular employees, dispatched workers are in a position where their employment is unstable and easily affected by economic conditions.

Dispatch Labor Structure
Dispatched workers have the following relationships

Dispatched workers”: workers are dispatched to a company under an employment contract with a temporary staffing agency.
Temporary staffing agency (registered or permanent type)”: hires dispatched workers and provides them to companies.
Client company”: instructs the dispatched worker to work and outsources the work to the client company for a certain period of time.
Under this system, when a company terminates a temporary worker’s contract, the worker is no longer provided work through the temporary staffing agency and faces unemployment.

Background of “Haken-giri” as a Social Problem
The term “dispatch cut-off” became a buzzword largely due to the Lehman Shock of 2008.
The global economic crisis caused a sharp downturn in the economy, particularly in the manufacturing and automobile industries, and a wave of contract cancellations of temporary workers as a means of employment adjustment ensued.

Major Background Factors
Revision of the Worker Dispatching Act in 1999

The ban on dispatching workers to the manufacturing industry was lifted, and many companies hired temporary workers.
The use of temporary staffing expanded due to its low cost and flexibility in employment adjustment.

Economic downturn caused by the Lehman Shock (2008)
Orders decreased mainly in the automobile, electronics, and manufacturing industries.
Due to the difficulty of laying off permanent employees, the number of temporary workers is reduced first.
Tens of thousands of temporary workers lost their jobs due to contract termination.

Increase in non-regular employment and social criticism
The “working poor” problem and unstable employment are viewed as problems.
The “disparity in treatment between regular employees and dispatched workers” was highlighted.

Major Impacts of “Dispatched Worker Cutoff
The progression of “dispatch cut-off” has had a number of effects on workers and society as a whole.

Impact on workers
Collapse of livelihood

Some workers lost their source of income and became destitute or homeless.
Support activities such as the “New Year’s Eve Haken Mura” (2008-2009) attracted much attention.

Unstable employment
It is difficult to find a new job, and it is difficult to re-enter the labor market.
Opportunities to escape from informal employment are lost.

Stagnation of skill and career development
Temporary workers are less likely to “advance their careers” and are at a disadvantage in changing jobs after their contracts end.

Impact on society
Widening inequality

The instability of dispatch work exacerbates the poverty problem and widens economic disparities.

Sluggish consumption and slow economic growth
Sluggish consumption due to decrease in disposable income caused by increase in non-regular employment.

Increased activity of labor unions and support groups
Increased calls for protection of the rights of dispatched workers, triggering legal reform.

Government Response and Legal Reform
In response to the “dispatched worker cut-off” becoming a social problem, the Japanese government took the following actions.

Employment measures in 2009
Support for temporary workers laid off from their jobs (job training, housing support)
Strengthened guidance to companies to curb the hiring of dispatched workers

2012 Revision of the Worker Dispatching Act
Tightened restrictions on the length of dispatch periods in order to ensure stable employment
Prohibit “day worker dispatching” in principle
・Strengthening of the obligation of client companies to make efforts to directly employ dispatched workers

2015: Revision of the Worker Dispatching Act
Limit dispatch period to 3 years at the same workplace (to promote permanent employment)
Introduction of a system to support the conversion of temporary staffing agencies into permanent employees

Promotion of equal pay for equal work (to be enforced in 2020)
・Reduce unreasonable differences in treatment between temporary and permanent employees

Current Situation and Issues
Although dispatch labor is still utilized in many industries today, the following issues remain

Increase in the number of non-regular employees
The percentage of dispatched workers and contract workers remains high, and there are concerns about employment stability.

Fixation of disparities
Temporary workers are paid low wages and have limited opportunities for career advancement.

Impact of the Coronavirus Disaster
The spread of the new coronavirus infection after 2020 will once again cause “dispatch cuts.

The term “dispatch cutoff” had a major impact on Japanese society as it symbolized the vulnerability of non-regular employment, which is easily affected by the waves of the economy.

The Lehman Shock (2008) triggered a massive number of dispatched workers to lose their jobs and became a social problem.
The Lehman Shock (2008) caused a large number of temporary workers to lose their jobs, and this became a social problem.
The government must realize sustainable employment by correcting disparities and reforming work styles.
Going forward, it is important to strike a balance between formal and informal employment, and to aim for both flexible work styles and stable livelihoods for workers.







  1. 顔に泥を塗る(Smear mud on the face)

  2. 苦しい時の神頼み(Rely on God in times of distress)

  3. 鬼の居ぬ間に洗濯(Laundry while the demons are away)

  4. 怪我の功名(Lucky break)

  5. 縁の下の力持ち(Unsung hero)

  6. 能ある鷹は爪を隠す(A talented hawk hides its claws)

  7. 挑戦者と断念者(Challenger and Abandoner)

  8. 透明な存在(Transparent Being)

  9. 国境を引く政治家(Politicians drawing borders)

  10. 奈良判定(Nara Decision)