ガンと闘うな(Don’t fight cancer)






















✅ 「緩和ケア」の重要性の認識
✅ 「がんとの共存」を目指す治療
✅ 患者自身の意思を尊重する医療へ





Don’t fight cancer” was one of the top ten most popular words of 2007. The phrase originated from an idea proposed by author and physician Makoto Kondo, a radiologist, whose book, “Patients, Don’t Fight Cancer,” was a great success.

Meaning of “Don’t Fight Cancer
This phrase refers to the idea that it is better not to have aggressive treatment (surgery, anticancer drugs, and radiation therapy) even if you have cancer. Makoto Kondo argued that many cancer treatments not only do not extend the life of the patient, but may instead increase suffering due to side effects.

His argument can be summarized simply as follows,

Basically, cancer should be left untreated.
Anti-cancer drugs and surgery can shorten life expectancy.
“It is important to live naturally without trying to fight the disease.
It is important to live naturally without trying to fight the disease by force.

Why did they become buzzwords?
It was a shocking assertion that overturned medical common sense.
For a long time, it was believed that early detection and early treatment were important for cancer, but “Don’t fight cancer” was a fundamental rejection of this idea. Because of its shocking content for medical professionals and the general public, it became a major topic of conversation.

Aging Society and the Rise of Cancer
At the time, Japan’s population was rapidly aging, and cancer had become a disease that affected so many people that it was called a “national disease. As a result, discussions on cancer treatments were of great social interest, and the “don’t fight cancer” argument also attracted the attention of many people.

It was widely covered by the media
Makoto Kondo’s book became a bestseller, and his arguments were introduced in many TV programs and magazines. As a result, the phrase “Don’t fight cancer” became widely known.

Pros and Cons in the Medical Community
The idea of “don’t fight cancer” has sparked a heated debate in the medical community.

Opinions in favor
The side effects of cancer treatment (side effects of anticancer drugs, risks of surgery, etc.) are indeed significant, and we should consider options that allow patients to live the rest of their lives without suffering.
It was an opportunity to review the stereotype of “cancer = absolutely must be treated.
It is important to consider whether QOL (quality of life) should be more important than aggressive treatment in the case of elderly patients.

Opinions of opponents
It is dangerous to deny treatment because “if cancer is left untreated, there are cases where people die in pain.
It is misleading to say “don’t fight” in general, when some people can be saved by treatment.
Makoto Kondo’s argument is too extreme. Some types of cancer should not be left untreated (e.g., breast cancer, cervical cancer, etc.).
Thus, the phrase “don’t fight cancer” was a phrase that sparked a debate about the state of medical care.

Subsequent Influences and Current Views
Makoto Kondo’s assertion “Don’t fight cancer” has been controversial in the medical community, but some ideas have led to the subsequent **”we should avoid excessive medical treatment ”** trend.
Today, “to fight cancer or not to fight cancer” is considered to be a choice to be made by patients themselves. In particular, the following trends have emerged

✅ Recognition of the importance of “palliative care
Palliative care used to be thought of as “end-of-life care,” but now treatment to relieve pain and anxiety from the early stages is also considered important.
✅ Treatment aimed at “coexistence with cancer
In the latest cancer treatment, instead of the immediate choice of “surgery and anticancer drugs,” **”treatment to maintain quality of life while coexisting with cancer ”** is attracting attention.
✅ Toward medical treatment that respects the patient’s own will
Patient-centered medicine,” in which patients make choices that suit their own way of life, rather than doctors unilaterally deciding on a treatment plan, is advancing.

What did “Don’t Fight Cancer” ask?
The phrase “Don’t fight cancer” was not just a medical slogan, but a phrase that led to a rethinking of how cancer treatment should be done.

Is it really best to force treatment?
Aren’t there alternatives that emphasize QOL (quality of life)?
How should cancer patients choose their lives?
It was precisely because the word made people think about how to deal with cancer that it attracted the attention of so many people and became a buzzword.

However, as medical science has advanced and treatment options have increased, it is now considered most important** for patients to “choose a treatment that fits their way of life.







  1. ネットカフェ難民(Internet cafe refugee)

  2. 矛盾(Inconsistency)

  3. (消えた)年金(Disappeared) pension

  4. 恩を仇で返す(Return evil for good)

  5. 蟹工船(Crab-canning boat)

  6. 食べるラー油(Edible chili oil)

  7. インスタ映え(Instagrammable)

  8. 自己責任(Self-responsibility)

  9. 痒い所に手が届く(Reach where it hurts)

  10. 怪我の功名(Lucky break)