日本列島総不況(General recession in the Japanese archipelago)








✅ 株価の大暴落 → 1989年に日経平均株価が史上最高値(38,915円)を記録したが、1993年には17,000円台にまで下落
✅ 企業の倒産ラッシュ → 銀行や不動産業を中心に、バブル期に無理な投資をしていた企業が次々と破綻
✅ 失業率の上昇 → 企業のリストラが加速し、雇用環境が悪化
✅ 消費の低迷 → 人々の所得が減少し、消費活動が冷え込む





✅ バブル期に積極的だった企業の投資が激減
✅ 銀行が不良債権(回収不能な貸付金)を大量に抱え、貸し渋りが発生
✅ リストラが進み、終身雇用制度が揺らぎ始めた


✅ 1993年の衆議院選挙で自民党が敗北し、非自民の細川護熙内閣が発足(戦後初の非自民政権)
✅ バブル後の経済対策が十分に機能せず、国民の不満が高まる








✅ 「終身雇用・年功序列」の崩壊 → 非正規雇用の増加
✅ 製造業の衰退 → サービス業・IT産業へのシフト
✅ バブル的な投資の抑制 → 慎重な経済運営への転換




✅ 1993年の「日本列島総不況」 → バブル崩壊直後の混乱期
✅ 2020年代の「低成長経済」 → 長期的な停滞(「失われた30年」)


✅ 「日本列島総不況」は1993年ごろに流行した言葉で、日本全国が不況に陥ったことを示す表現
✅ バブル崩壊後の経済低迷、企業の倒産、失業率の上昇、政治の混乱が背景
✅ その後の「失われた10年(30年)」につながる日本経済の長期停滞を象徴
✅ 現代でも、日本経済の低迷が続き、この言葉の持つ意味が薄れていない


The phrase “Total Recession in the Japanese Archipelago” was nominated for the 1993 Ryukugo Award, symbolizing the situation in which all of Japan was plunged into a serious recession. The phrase was used by many media and people because it accurately described the economic situation at the time.

Background of the “Total Recession in Japan
Around 1993, when this term became popular, Japan was in the midst of a full-blown recession following the collapse of the bubble economy (around 1991). As the effects of the bursting of the bubble economy spread throughout the country and various industries and regions fell into economic distress, the expression “the entire Japanese archipelago is in a recession” came to be used.

Effects of the Collapse of the Bubble Economy
In the late 1980s, Japan was in the midst of an overheated bubble economy, with real estate and stock prices soaring. However, the bubble burst in 1990 when the Bank of Japan tightened monetary policy, causing land prices and stock prices to plummet. Companies and banks suffered huge losses, and the economy cooled off sharply.

Economic Conditions in 1993
✅ Stock price plunge → The Nikkei Stock Average reached an all-time high (38,915 yen) in 1989, but fell to the 17,000-yen level in 1993
✅ Rush of corporate bankruptcies → Banks and real estate companies, in particular, that had invested too much during the bubble period went bankrupt one after another
✅ Rising unemployment → Accelerated corporate restructuring, worsening the employment environment
✅ Slumping consumption → People’s incomes are declining and consumer activity is cooling down.

These circumstances have led to a growing realization that “the whole of Japan is sinking into recession,” and the term “total recession of the Japanese archipelago” has come to be used.

What is meant by the phrase “general recession in the Japanese archipelago?
This term was not merely a description of the economic situation, but also symbolized the sense of stagnation and uncertainty about the future that prevailed throughout Japanese society at the time.

Corporate Change
✅ Sharp decline in investment by companies that had been aggressive during the bubble period
✅ Banks were reluctant to lend money due to the large amount of non-performing loans (loans that could not be recovered)
✅ Restructuring proceeded, and the lifetime employment system began to shake out

Political turmoil
✅ The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) was defeated in the House of Representatives election of 1993, and the nonLDP Morihiro Hosokawa cabinet was formed (the first nonLDP government in the postwar period)
✅ Post-bubble economic stimulus measures did not function adequately, leading to growing public dissatisfaction

Thus, the term “general recession in the Japanese archipelago” came to have a broader meaning, encompassing not only economic stagnation but also political and social turmoil.

Subsequent Impact of the “General Recession on the Japanese Archipelago
Prolonged Economic Slump (into the “Lost 30 Years”)

The Japanese economy did not recover after 1993, and a financial crisis (the collapse of Yamaichi Securities and Hokkaido Takushoku Bank) occurred in 1997. This led to a further recession, and Japan entered a prolonged period of stagnation known as the “lost decade” (later also known as the “lost 30 years”).

Progression of Deflation
Japan entered full-blown deflation (a phenomenon in which prices continue to fall) in the late 1990s. Consumption remained sluggish, wages did not grow, and the recession became chronic.

Structural Changes in the Japanese Economy
✅ Collapse of “lifetime employment and seniority system” → Increase in non-regular employment
✅ Decline of the manufacturing industry → Shift to service and IT industries
✅ Bubble-like restraint of investment → shift to prudent economic management

The term “general recession in the Japanese archipelago” has come to symbolize the beginning of the long-term stagnation Japan experienced after the collapse of the bubble economy, rather than simply referring to a temporary recession.

Comparison with the present day (economic situation in the 2020s)
It has been noted that even today (2020s), Japan continues to experience economic stagnation and the effects of the post-bubble burst have not yet been fully overcome.

✅ The “general recession of the Japanese archipelago” in 1993 → the period of turmoil immediately after the collapse of the bubble economy
✅ The “low-growth economy” of the 2020s → long-term stagnation (“the lost 30 years”)

Today, due in part to the global economic environment and technological innovation, the stagnation of the Japanese economy has become a more structural problem. However, the sense that “Japan as a whole is suffering from the recession” indicated by the phrase “Total Recession in the Japanese Archipelago” in 1993 may still be a situation that many people can relate to today.

✅ “Total recession in the Japanese archipelago” was a popular phrase around 1993, an expression indicating that all of Japan was in recession
✅ Background of economic stagnation, corporate bankruptcies, rising unemployment, and political turmoil after the bubble burst
✅ Symbolizes the prolonged stagnation of the Japanese economy that led to the subsequent “lost decade” (30 years)
✅ Even today, the Japanese economy continues to stagnate, and the meaning of this phrase has not diminished.

The phrase “total recession of the Japanese archipelago” is not just an economic term, but a phrase that symbolizes the difficult times that Japan faced after the collapse of the bubble economy.







  1. 一寸の虫にも五分の魂(Even the smallest bug has a soul)

  2. ミサイルだらけの世界(A world full of missiles)

  3. 風評被害(Rumor damage)

  4. イクメン(Ikumen)

  5. あと一歩の勇気(One more step of courage)

  6. ガラスの天井(Glass ceiling)

  7. 一票の格差(Vote disparity)

  8. 君子危うきに近寄らず(A wise man keeps away from danger)

  9. 本の終末(End of book)

  10. 税金の使い道(How tax is used)