✅ 「消えた年金」は、日本の年金行政のずさんな管理が招いた大規模な問題だった。
✅ 5000万件もの年金記録が消失し、多くの国民が将来受け取るべき年金額に影響を受けた。
✅ 2007年の参院選で与党・自民党が大敗するなど、政治にも大きな影響を与えた。
✅ 問題発覚後、社会保険庁は解体され、「日本年金機構」が設立されるなど、年金制度の改革が進められた。
✅ 現在も未解決の記録が残っており、国民の年金への不信感は完全には拭い去られていない。
The term “missing pension” refers to the problem of the disappearance or loss of pension information of many citizens due to the failure to properly manage the records of Japan’s public pension system.
Especially in 2007, this issue was widely reported and the term “missing pension” attracted attention as a social problem. As a result, it was selected as one of the “You-Can New Words and Trendy Words Awards” in 2007.
Incident Discovery and Background
Emerging as a Major Problem in 2007
In 2007, the government announced that “about 50 million pension records are floating in the air (i.e., it is impossible to identify who they belong to).
This meant that many people’s future pension benefits could be affected.
The public’s anxiety and anger exploded in response to a series of cases in which people said, “I paid my pension, but there is no record of it.”Why have pension records disappeared?
The following sloppy management by the Social Insurance Agency was pointed out as the causeMistakes made during the transition from handwritten ledgers to computerized management
From the 1960s to the 1980s, when pension records were shifted from paper to computer, data entry errors occurred frequently.
Correct data could not be linked, for example, “maiden name left in,” “misreading,” and “duplicate registration.”Non-uniform recording system
The National Pension Plan, Employees’ Pension Plan, and other pension systems were recorded separately, making it difficult to integrate them.
In many cases, name changes due to job changes or marriage were not reflected correctly.Negligence and fraud by the Social Insurance Agency
The Social Insurance Agency neglected to properly manage “records whose identity is not known.
There are suspicions that records were falsified to make it appear that fewer people had not paid their pension premiums.Impact of the “Missing Pension” Problem
Explosion of public distrust
The pension system is an important mechanism to support people’s retirement.
However, the situation of “missing pensions that should have been paid” has greatly increased distrust in the government and the Social Insurance Agency.The 2007 Upper House election triggered a change of government.
The “missing pension” issue became a major issue in the 2007 House of Councillors election.
The then ruling Liberal Democratic Party (the government of Shinzo Abe) was criticized for its delay in dealing with the issue and suffered a historic defeat.
This led to a major shift in the political landscape, which later led to the birth of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) in 2009.Major Reform of Pension Administration
In response to the problems, the government made “solving the pension record problem” its top priority.
In 2009, the Social Insurance Agency was dismantled and a new “Japan Pension Service” was established.
The government sent out “Pension Special Letters” (mailed notices confirming individual pension records) so that the public could check their records.Subsequent Responses and Current Status
Pension Record Recovery Work
The government has been working to match 50 million “missing pension records” and identify their owners.
However, a complete solution has not been reached, and there still remain unresolved records.Challenges to Restoring Confidence in Pensions
A system has been introduced to allow citizens to check their own pension records, such as “Nenkin Saikin (Pension Periodical Report)” and “Nenkin Net.
However, past records have not been completely restored, and it is said that some pensions still exist that have “disappeared.Why is the “missing pension” issue important?
✅ The “missing pension” was a massive problem caused by sloppy management of Japan’s pension administration.
✅ As many as 50 million pension records were lost, affecting the amount of pensions many citizens were to receive in the future.
✅ It also had a major impact on politics, as the ruling Liberal Democratic Party suffered a crushing defeat in the 2007 Upper House election.
✅ After the problem was discovered, the Social Insurance Agency was dismantled and the Japan Pension Service was established, and reform of the pension system was promoted.
✅ Even today, unresolved records remain, and the public’s distrust of pensions has not been completely eradicated.Pensions are an important system for the retirement of all citizens, and the “missing pension” issue is a lesson that Japanese society must not forget.