増税メガネ(glasses with tax-increasing lenses)





What are “tax-increase glasses”?

The term “tax hike glasses” is a critical expression used primarily in the Japanese political scene. In particular, it is used to symbolize politicians and their policies that promote tax increases. Specifically, the expression has become widespread in relation to Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.

Prime Minister Kishida once proposed tax hikes in order to rebuild public finances and increase defense spending. In doing so, the image of tax hikes was associated with the glasses he always wears, and the term “tax hike glasses” came to be used with a critical connotation. In the media and social networking sites, the term is often used to indicate dissatisfaction or opposition to his tax hike policies.

In addition, “tax hike glasses” is not just a personal attack, but is also used to symbolize opposition to the tax hike policy itself. Through this term, it simply expresses how much the tax hike affects the public and how the policy is perceived.






  1. 奈良判定(Nara Decision)

  2. 無くて七癖(Every man has seven habits)

  3. 急がば回れ(Haste makes speedy)

  4. お金≠自由(Money ≠ Freedom)

  5. 猿も木から落ちる(Monkeys also fall from trees)

  6. 君子危うきに近寄らず(A wise man keeps away from danger)

  7. 親の心子知らず(Children don’t know how parents feel)

  8. 知らぬが仏(Ignorance is bliss)

  9. 鬼の目にも涙(Tears in the demon’s eyes)

  10. ポケモンGO(Pokemon Go)