十人十色(Everyone is different)

















意見の違いを認めるとき: ある会議で、複数の人が異なる意見を述べたとします。それぞれの意見を尊重しようとする際に「十人十色だから、いろんな視点があるね」と使います。

趣味や嗜好の違いを説明するとき: 友達と食べ物や映画の好みが違うときに「十人十色だから、お互いの好きなものを尊重しよう」といった使い方が可能です。





Jyunin to iro (Ten Persons, Ten Colors)” is a Japanese proverb meaning ”each person has a different personality, way of thinking, and preferences. This expression emphasizes that people are diverse, as there are ten different colors (personalities and values) for every ten people.

This phrase also teaches us the importance of recognizing and respecting differences with others. It is used to respect the characteristics and values of each person and to put a positive spin on the fact that each individual is different.

Detailed Meaning and Background of “Ten Persons, Ten Colors
Respect for individuality: The term “ten persons of ten colors” indicates that not everyone is the same, and that each has his or her own unique way of thinking, personality, preferences, and talents. The message is that differences in appearance, behavior, and values are natural and should be respected and understood rather than dismissed.

Group diversity: Groups and societies contain people from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences. This proverb helps to shape society and relationships based on such diversity. In workplaces, schools, and communities, new ideas and solutions can emerge when diverse opinions and values are brought together.

Perspective to enjoy differences: “Ten different people” means not only appreciating differences, but also enjoying those differences. For example, being with friends and colleagues who have different interests and perspectives has the positive connotation of expanding one’s horizons and gaining new experiences.

Avoiding Conflict: By recognizing differences between people and respecting each other’s opinions and values, we can avoid unnecessary confrontations. When different opinions are expressed, the spirit of “ten different people” allows us to understand the other person’s point of view and to be flexible in our responses.

Proverb Background: The phrase “Ten Persons of Ten Colors” is related to the idea that harmony is important in Japanese society and culture. It is rooted in the idea that we need to accept and come to terms with each other’s differences in order to live together, while still recognizing diversity.

Practical Usage
This proverb is used in many situations in everyday life. For example, in the following situations

When acknowledging differences of opinion: Suppose you are in a meeting and several people express different opinions. To show respect for each person’s opinion, you say, “Everyone is different, so there are many different points of view.

When explaining differences in hobbies and tastes: When friends have different tastes in food or movies, you can say, “Everyone has different tastes, so let’s respect each other’s tastes.

Significance of “Ten Persons of Ten Colors” in Today’s Society
Today’s society is increasingly globalized and information-oriented, and a diverse range of people coexist in it. Under these circumstances, it is natural that people have different values, backgrounds, and experiences, and understanding and accepting these differences is essential for social stability and development.

The concept of “ten different people” is a fundamental attitude for understanding diversity and viewing being different in a positive light. It is important to consider the existence of different opinions and viewpoints as a source of new ideas and creativity rather than an obstacle to communication.

The saying “ten different people” is based on the premise that people are different and teaches us the importance of recognizing and respecting each other’s differences. Having different opinions and values is natural, and these differences are what enrich society and human relationships. By applying this saying to our real lives, we can build more flexible and understanding relationships while avoiding conflict.









  1. 怪我の功名(Lucky break)

  2. 溺れる者は藁をもつかむ(A drowning person grasps at straws)

  3. 虎の威を借る狐(A fox borrowing the power of a tiger)

  4. 覆水盆に返らず(It is no use crying over spilt milk)

  5. 女子会(Girls-only gathering)

  6. 増税メガネ(glasses with tax-increasing lenses)

  7. 国境を引く政治家(Politicians drawing borders)

  8. AKB48

  9. イエローカードの値段(Yellow Card Prices)

  10. 石の上にも三年(Three years on a stone)