ミサイルだらけの世界(A world full of missiles)











アメリカ 🇺🇸


ロシア 🇷🇺


中国 🇨🇳


北朝鮮 🇰🇵






















Missiles have become one of the most important weapons in modern military strategy.
As countries maintain and strengthen their military power, missiles are being deployed and developed, and so many missiles are now possessed in large numbers around the world that it is said that the world is “full of missiles.
In this issue, we have used AI to create a caricature of such a missile-ridden world.

Why is the world full of missiles? (Importance of missiles)
Overwhelming advantages as a weapon

Long-range: Can directly attack enemy or distant targets.
∙ Evolution of precision guidance: Increased accuracy and strategic value.
High cost-performance: Maintenance costs may be lower than those of fighter aircraft and tanks.

Role as nuclear deterrence
Ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear weapons are possessed by each nation as the “ultimate weapon.
The concept of “Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)” has led to the strategy of preventing war by possessing nuclear missiles.

Rising geopolitical tensions
Countries are building up their military forces in response to the Russia-Ukraine war, the China-Taiwan issue, and conflicts in the Middle East.
Proliferation of missile technology has led even small and medium-sized countries to develop and possess missiles.

Major missile-holding countries and types of missiles in the world
United States 🇺🇸

ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile): Minuteman III (nuclear-capable)
Cruise missile: Tomahawk (for precision strike)
Hypersonic missiles”: under development (lagging behind Russia and China)

Russia 🇷🇺
ICBM: Sarmat (the latest nuclear missile)
Hypersonic missile: Avangarde (capable of evading U.S. interception)
Tactical Missile”: Iskander (used in the war in Ukraine)

China 🇨🇳
ICBM: Dong Feng (DF) series (capable of hitting the U.S. mainland)
Hypersonic Missile: Dong Feng-17 (highly evasive)
Intermediate-range ballistic missile: Dong Feng-21 (for carrier attack)

North Korea 🇰🇵
ICBM: Mars-17 (within range of the U.S. mainland)
SLBM (submarine-launched ballistic missile): Polar Star series
Short-range ballistic missiles”: KN-23, KN-25 (for South Korea and Japan)

Europe (France and the U.K.)
France: M51 (nuclear missiles can be loaded)
U.K.: Trident (jointly operated with the U.S.)

Middle East (Israel, Iran)
Israel: Jericho series (nuclear-capable)
Iran: Shahab series, also developing hypersonic missiles

Latest Trends in Missile Competition (Trends for the 2020s)
Hypersonic missile development competition
Russia and China lead the race, followed by the U.S.
Missiles fly at more than five times the speed of sound and are difficult to intercept.
Countries are competing to secure strategic advantage.

Fusion of drones and missiles
New weapons combining drones and missiles are emerging.
∙ Low-cost, mass attacks possible (e.g., self-destructing drones in the Ukraine war).

Space and Missile Technology
∙ Development of satellite-attack weapons (ASATs) and space-deployed missiles is progressing.
China and Russia have conducted successful tests, and the U.S. is stepping up countermeasures.

Risks and Future of a Missile-Rich World
Tensions rise due to the arms race
New technologies will increase the number of missiles that cannot be intercepted.
Increased risk of wars breaking out due to misunderstandings and misperceptions.

Proliferation of military technology and its use by terrorists
Missile technology proliferates to small and medium-sized countries and non-state actors.
Increased possibility of use of missiles by terrorist organizations.

Unknown Threats from the Fusion of AI and Missiles
Development of autonomous attack weapons by Artificial Intelligence (AI) is underway.
☑ The world is “full of missiles,” and countries possess and develop a large number of missiles.

☑The world is said to be “full of missiles,” and countries possess and develop missiles in large numbers.
☑Missiles are indispensable as long-range strike, nuclear deterrence, and strategic weapons.
☑New military competition is underway with the evolution of hypersonic missiles and AI weapons.
☑There are concerns about increased risk of war, misuse for terrorism, and outbreak of conflict due to misidentification.

If the arms race continues, it could become a major threat to humanity.
On the other hand, disarmament and international cooperation in missile management will be important issues in the future.









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  3. 老害(Harmful elder)

  4. 類は友を呼ぶ(Kind calls for friends)

  5. 本当の友達(True friend)

  6. 大気汚染(Air pollution)

  7. 教育格差(Educational inequity)

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