人生は短い(Life is short)


















The expression “life is short” points out that our time is finite and passes faster than we think. This contains an important lesson about the importance of time and how to live a limited life. The following perspectives on this theme will be discussed.

the relativity of time
When we are young, time often seems infinite. As we age, however, the rate at which time passes seems to accelerate. This is because our sense of time changes as we become adults, when our daily lives tend to become routine, compared to childhood and adolescence, when the pace of growth and change is faster. When they realize this “relativity of time,” many people feel that life is short.

inevitability of death
One of the reasons life feels short is the fact that death is inevitable. The reality that everyone, no matter how healthy, will surely face the end of life at some point makes us keenly aware that our time is limited. This awareness can also cause us to think deeply about the meaning and purpose of life.

regret and unfinished desires
Life feels short when we realize that although there are many things we want to do and accomplish, we have only a limited amount of time to realize them all. For example, things we want to challenge ourselves to do, places we want to travel to, or relationships we want to improve may get put on the back burner. And as time passes, you may find yourself regretting that you should have started sooner or lived a more active life.

buried in the busyness of daily life
In today’s society, we are often so busy with work and everyday life that we unconsciously waste precious time in our lives. In particular, when we forget to pursue our goals and dreams and simply focus on completing our daily tasks, we find that a lot of time has passed before we realize it. This is another major reason why we feel that life is short.

lessons to remind us of the importance of time
The idea that “life is short” is also a lesson for us to value time, to not waste our days, and to live a fulfilling life. This awareness helps us to rethink our priorities and focus our attention on what is truly important, such as time with loved ones, actions toward our dreams and goals, and personal growth.

meaning from a philosophical perspective
Many philosophers and thinkers have also discussed the shortness of life. For example, the ancient Roman philosopher Seneca stated that life is not short, but feels short because we waste so much time. He argued that by engaging in meaningful activities and living a full life, life does not feel short, but rather lived fully.

accepting that life is short
Accepting the fact that life is short can be rather freeing for the mind. Recognizing that time is finite creates a sense of trying to live the present moment to the fullest, without getting caught up in unnecessary worries and concerns. This is a concept that emphasizes the importance of “living in the moment” and is emphasized in Buddhism and other religious and philosophical traditions as well.

The idea that “life is short” teaches us that time is precious. It guides us to spend our lives more consciously and to focus on what is important in order to prevent the inevitability of death and regret. By continually questioning how we live our finite time, we can lead richer and more satisfying lives.









  1. 噓も方便(Lying is sometimes allowed)

  2. 地獄に仏(Buddha in hell)

  3. インスタ映え(Instagrammable)

  4. 蛙化現象(Frogification)

  5. 馬の耳に念仏(Sutra in the horse’s ears)

  6. 時は金なり(Time is money)

  7. 叩けば埃が出る(Tap it and you get dust)

  8. 愛はお金で買える?(Can money buy love?)

  9. (消えた)年金(Disappeared) pension

  10. 政治家の耳(Politician’s ear)