過去の重荷(Burden of the Past)





例: 学業や仕事でのミス、人間関係での失敗。

例: 幼少期の虐待、事故、災害の経験。

例: 家族間の対立、借金。


例: 国際関係の摩擦、歴史認識問題。

例: 森林破壊、温室効果ガスの排出。




例: 「どうせまた失敗する」と思い込んでしまう。


例: 「自分はダメな人間だ」と感じる。


例: 人間関係での裏切りを経験し、新しい出会いを避ける。



例: 「失敗も自分の一部であり、成長の糧である」と考える。


例: 新しい趣味を始める、短期的な目標を設定する。


例: カウンセリングやセラピーを受ける。


例: 自分の失敗を他人に教え、アドバイスをする。


例: 瞑想や深呼吸などのリラクゼーション技術を使う。




The expression “burden of the past” refers to situations and feelings in life and society where past experiences and events have a negative impact in the present and future. It is a figurative term that describes a situation in which a particular failure, trauma, or unresolved issue becomes a burden that prevents one from moving forward.
Here we use the term “past burdens” to describe people who are dragged down by the weight of the past.

Specific Meaning
Personal past burdens

Failures and regrets”: mistakes and choices made in the past that linger in the mind as regrets.
Examples: mistakes in academics or work, failures in relationships.

Trauma: A painful event or trauma from the past that has become a psychological burden and influences current behaviors and feelings.
Examples: childhood abuse, accidents, or disasters.

Unresolved Issues: Unresolved interpersonal conflicts and unresolved responsibilities create a psychological burden.
Examples: family conflict, debt.

Burdens from the social past.
Historical issues”: past wars, conflicts, colonial rule, discrimination, etc., affecting current society.
Examples: friction in international relations, historical perception issues.

Environmental problems: Excessive development and environmental destruction in the past have led to the current environmental crisis.
Examples: deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions.

Psychological Impact
The psychological impact of “the burden of the past” on people is significant and manifests itself in the following ways

Lack of positivity
Being stuck in the past can cause one to lose challenge and hope for the future.
E.g.: “I will fail again anyway”.

Low self-esteem
Due to past events, one may continue to blame oneself or lose self-confidence.
Example: “I am a bad person.

Constraints on behavior
Due to past experiences, they may become afraid to try new things.
Example: Experiencing betrayal in relationships and avoiding new encounters.

Ways to overcome past burdens
Accept the past.

Instead of denying your past, accepting it will lighten your heart.
E.g.: “Failure is part of who you are and is a source of growth.

Take small steps
Instead of seeking big changes, make a series of small improvements.
Example: Take up a new hobby, set short-term goals.

Seek support
Talking to a trusted friend, family member, or professional can help ease the burden.
Examples: Seek counseling or therapy.

Use the past for the future
Find positive meaning by viewing past experiences as lessons learned and applying them to future actions.
Example: Teach others about your mistakes and offer advice.

Practice mindfulness
Practice distancing yourself from past memories by focusing on the present.
Example: Use relaxation techniques such as meditation and deep breathing.

Related proverbs and quotes
He who forgets the past has no future”: It is dangerous to forget the lessons of the past, but it is also problematic to dwell too much on the past.
Yesterday’s failure is the mother of today’s success.
Tomorrow will bring the winds of tomorrow”: This phrase encourages us to look to the future and not to dwell on the past.

The “burdens of the past” are present in all of us, but if we continue to dwell on them, they will prevent us from achieving freedom and positive growth in our lives. The past cannot be completely erased, but by accepting and overcoming it, we can move forward more lightly. In addition, not only individuals but society as a whole must face up to the problems of the past and strive to learn from them and pass them on to the next generation.








  1. 犬も歩けば棒に当たる(Even a dog, if it walks, will bump into a pole)

  2. 十人十色(Everyone is different)

  3. 覆水盆に返らず(It is no use crying over spilt milk)

  4. 玉石混交(Mixture of stones and jewels)

  5. 苦しい時の神頼み(Rely on God in times of distress)

  6. 時は金なり(Time is money)

  7. 海老で鯛を釣る(Throw in a shrimp and pull out a whale)

  8. 石の上にも三年(Three years on a stone)

  9. 君子危うきに近寄らず(A wise man keeps away from danger)

  10. 縁の下の力持ち(Unsung hero)