✅ 「ベッカム様」は、2002年日韓ワールドカップ時に日本で流行した言葉。
✅ デビッド・ベッカムのイケメンぶりとカリスマ性から、メディアやファンが「様」をつけて呼ぶようになった。
✅ 日本国内では「ベッカムフィーバー」が巻き起こり、髪型・ファッション・CM起用など幅広い影響を与えた。
✅ ワールドカップ終了後、ベッカムが日本での露出を減らすにつれ、次第に「ベッカム様」という呼び名も使われなくなった。
Beckham-sama” is a phrase that became popular in Japan in the wake of the 2002 Japan-Korea World Cup. The phrase symbolized the enthusiasm for England superstar David Beckham in Japan.
Background of the Birth of “Mr. Beckham
The 2002 Japan-Korea World Cup and Beckham’s Popularity
The 2002 FIFA World Cup was co-hosted by Japan and Korea. In Japan, interest in foreign star players increased, especially David Beckham, captain of the England national team, whose overwhelming popularity triggered a social phenomenon known as “Beckham fever.Beckham won the hearts of Japanese fans, especially women, with his unmatched free kick accuracy, sophisticated looks, fashion sense, and charisma.
The Birth of “Mr. Beckham
In Japan, it has become fashionable to refer to handsome men with “Sama,” and Beckham’s particularly well-defined face and charisma naturally led the media and fans to refer to him as “Mr. Beckham.When Beckham was in Japan during the World Cup, he caused as much commotion as an idol, with many fans crowding the airport and the hotel where he stayed. In particular, female fans were reportedly shouting enthusiastically, “Mr. Beckham! Beckham-sama!” became a kind of buzzword.
The Spread of the “Mr. Beckham” Boom
Media Coverage
Wide shows and sports news carried daily features on “Mr. Beckham,” detailing not only his game, but also his hairstyle, fashion, and lifestyle.Influence on Fashion
Beckham hair,” which imitates Beckham’s hairstyles and fashions, became very popular. The short hair + blonde hair + soft Mohawk style became a huge boom among Japanese youth.Use in commercials and advertisements
Beckham’s popularity was not limited to the soccer world. For example, he appeared as a model in advertisements for football equipment and fashion brands, and products using his name were even sold.The Decline of the “Mr. Beckham” Boom and Beyond
Beckham’s popularity continued for a while after the Japan-Korea World Cup, but as Beckham moved from Manchester United to Real Madrid in 2003 and his exposure in Japan decreased, the term “Mr. Beckham” gradually fell out of use.However, Beckham himself continued to be active as a global star and established a new style of “soccer player + fashion icon. After retiring, he continued to be a successful businessman and remains an influential figure around the world.
✅ “Mr. Beckham” was a popular phrase in Japan during the 2002 Japan-Korea World Cup.
✅ David Beckham’s good looks and charisma led the media and fans to refer to him with “Sama”.
✅ “Beckham fever” broke out in Japan, with a wide range of influences including his hairstyle, fashion, and use in commercials.
✅ After the World Cup, as Beckham’s exposure in Japan decreased, the term “Beckham-sama” gradually fell into disuse.Beckham-sama” was more than just a buzzword; it was a symbolic phrase that had a profound impact on Japanese sports culture and fashion.