SARS(サーズ)」は、重症急性呼吸器症候群(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)の略称で、2002年から2003年にかけて世界的に流行した新型のウイルス感染症です。2003年には日本でも話題となり、流行語の一つとして広く知られるようになりました。




🔹 感染拡大
✅ 2003年3月にはWHO(世界保健機関)が世界的な警戒を発表
✅ アジアを中心に北米、ヨーロッパなどにも拡大
✅ 2003年7月までに全世界で8,000人以上が感染し、約800人が死亡
✅ 致死率は約10%と高く、特に高齢者の死亡率が高かった



✅ 日本国内ではSARSの大流行はなかった(感染者ゼロ)
✅ しかし、中国や香港、台湾、カナダなどでの感染拡大を受けて大きな社会的関心が集まった
✅ 2003年の流行語大賞にもノミネートされるほど話題になった
✅ 空港や病院では検疫が強化され、マスクの着用が広まった
✅ 感染症への警戒心が高まり、後の新型インフルエンザ(2009年)やCOVID-19(2019年~)にも影響を与えた




✅ 感染者の早期隔離 → 感染拡大を抑えた
✅ 国際的な協力 → WHOや各国政府が迅速な対応を取った
✅ SARS-CoVの性質 → 感染力はCOVID-19ほど強くなく、適切な対策で封じ込めが可能だった




項目  SARS(2002-2003年)  COVID-19(2019年~)
原因ウイルス  SARS-CoV SARS-CoV-2
感染者数 約8,000人 数億人以上
死亡者数 約800人 数百万人
致死率 約10% 約1~2%(高齢者は高い)
感染力 比較的低い 非常に高い
終息までの期間 約8か月 まだ継続中(2024年時点)


✅ SARS(重症急性呼吸器症候群)は2002~2003年に世界的に流行したウイルス感染症
✅ 中国・広東省で発生し、アジア・北米を中心に感染拡大
✅ 日本では流行しなかったが、感染症対策の重要性が認識された
✅ 2003年の流行語にもなり、社会的な注目を集めた
✅ その後の新型感染症(MERS、COVID-19)にも影響を与えた


SARS” is an abbreviation for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, a new type of viral infection that spread worldwide from 2002 to 2003. SARS is a new type of viral infection that spread worldwide from 2002 to 2003.

Outbreak and Epidemic of SARS
Source of Outbreak
SARS first appeared in November 2002 in Guangdong Province, China. Initially reported as an unidentified pneumonia, it was later found to be caused by a new type of coronavirus (SARS-CoV).

Spread of infection
✅ In March 2003, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced a global alert
✅ Spread to Asia, North America, Europe, etc.
✅ By July 2003, more than 8,000 people worldwide had been infected, with about 800 deaths
✅ The fatality rate was as high as about 10%, especially among the elderly.

SARS was spread mainly by droplet and contact infection, and symptoms were characterized by high fever, cough, and breathing difficulties. Since there were no specific drugs or vaccines, isolation and movement restrictions were the main infection control measures.

Impact in Japan and “SARS” as a buzzword
✅ There was no major outbreak of SARS in Japan (zero cases of infection).
✅ However, the spread of infection in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Canada, and other countries generated great social concern
✅ It became such a hot topic that it was nominated for the 2003 Epidemic Word of the Year Award.
✅ Quarantine was tightened at airports and hospitals, and the use of masks became widespread.
✅ Increased vigilance against infectious diseases, which later influenced the H1N1 influenza (2009) and COVID-19 (2019-)

The SARS pandemic also reaffirmed the importance of infectious disease countermeasures in Japan, leading to the strengthening of the quarantine system and revision of the Infectious Disease Control Law.

Convergence of SARS and Beyond
SARS was declared over by WHO in July 2003.
The main reasons for the convergence of infection are as follows

✅ Early isolation of infected people → Controlled the spread of infection
✅ International cooperation → WHO and governments took prompt action
✅ Nature of SARS-CoV → infectivity was not as strong as COVID-19 and containment was possible with appropriate measures.

However, SARS-CoV did not disappear, and in 2012, a new coronavirus (MERS-CoV) emerged in the Middle East, creating a trend that also led to COVID-19 (new coronavirus).

Impact of SARS and Comparison with COVID-19
Although SARS ended in a short period of time, its impact on infectious disease control and society was significant and influenced later pandemics.

Item SARS (2002-2003) COVID-19 (2019-)
Causative virus SARS-CoV SARS-CoV-2
Number of people infected Approx. 8,000 Hundreds of millions more
Number of deaths Approx. 800 Millions of people
Fatalities About 10% About 1-2% (higher in the elderly)
Infectivity Relatively low Very high
Time to end: approx. 8 months Still ongoing (as of 2024)
SARS ended in a short period of time, but COVID-19 is still having long-term effects, despite progress in vaccine development.

✅ SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) was a viral infection that spread globally in 2002-2003
✅ Outbreak began in Guangdong, China, and spread throughout Asia and North America
✅ Although there was no epidemic in Japan, the importance of measures against infectious diseases was recognized
✅ It became a buzzword in 2003 and attracted public attention.
✅ Influenced subsequent new infectious diseases (MERS, COVID-19)

Because of the SARS experience, the global response was swift during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since infectious disease pandemics repeat themselves, it is important to apply the lessons learned in the future.







  1. 米百俵(100 bales of rice)

  2. 奈良判定(Nara Decision)

  3. 笑う門には福来る(Laughing makes you happy)

  4. イクメン(Ikumen)

  5. ルールに縛られる人(Rule-bound person)

  6. ウミガメの掃除(Cleaning sea turtles)

  7. 塵も積もれば山となる(Dust makes a mountain)

  8. 親の心子知らず(Children don’t know how parents feel)

  9. 恩を仇で返す(Return evil for good)

  10. 偽善系インフルエンサー(Hypocritical influencers)