スマイリングシンデレラ(Smiling Cinderella)


「スマイリングシンデレラ」は、プロゴルファーの**渋野日向子(しぶの ひなこ)**選手に付けられた愛称で、彼女が2019年に全英女子オープンで優勝した際に話題となり、流行語として広まりました。このニックネームは、渋野選手が大会中に常に笑顔でプレーしていたことから、メディアやファンにより名付けられました。


渋野日向子は、2019年の全英女子オープン(AIG Women’s British Open)で日本人選手として42年ぶりにメジャー大会を制覇し、世界的な注目を集めました。彼女はツアールーキーであり、メジャー大会初出場での優勝という快挙を成し遂げたため、「シンデレラストーリー」に例えられました。

















Smiling Cinderella” is a nickname given to professional golfer **Hinako Shibuno**, which became a buzzword when she won the 2019 Women’s British Open. The nickname was given to Shibuno by the media and her fans because of her constant smiling during the tournament.

Background and Origin
Hinoko Shibuno gained international attention when she became the first Japanese player in 42 years to win a major tournament at the 2019 AIG Women’s British Open. She was likened to a “Cinderella story” because she was a rookie on the tour and won a major tournament in her first appearance.

Furthermore, the nickname “Smiling Cinderella” was given to her because of the very impressive smile she showed during the tournament. Shibuno became very popular for the way she smiled and waved to spectators and children during her rounds, and for the way she happily communicated with those around her.

Why Smiling Cinderella became a buzzword
Phenomenal Performance
Hinoko Shibuno achieved the remarkable feat of winning the Women’s British Open despite being a rookie on the tour, and her quality of play and mental strength were greatly appreciated. The news of a young player winning on the biggest stage in women’s golf in Japan, as well as internationally, has garnered a lot of attention.

Friendly smile
One of Shibuno’s greatest characteristics is her relaxed, smiley style, which is not constrained by the tension of the game. This smile has captured the hearts of many fans and has been reported as her charm. In particular, Shibuno’s smile was praised as a positive influence, whereas a stern expression tends to be more noticeable in sports.

A Symbolic Cinderella Story
Shibuno’s rise from near-unknown to the world’s top player has been described as a Cinderella story. For the general public, her success was celebrated as a symbol of a dream come true.

The Impact of Smiling Cinderella
Rekindling Golf’s Popularity

Shibuno’s success further boosted the popularity of women’s golf in Japan. Her upbeat personality and style of play have given her a new appeal to younger and female fans, and she has energized the entire golfing community.

Media Attention
Hinoko Shibuno’s victory was widely covered by the Japanese and international media. Her character and style of play were highly acclaimed overseas, and in particular, her nickname “Smiling Cinderella” became internationally recognized.

Further success for Shibuno
Shibuno continued to perform well in domestic and international tournaments, establishing herself as one of Japan’s leading women’s golf players. The nickname “Smiling Cinderella” has become a strong symbol of her image, and her smile has always been at the center of the conversation.

Smiling Cinderella” is a nickname that symbolizes Hinoko Shibuno’s cheerful and positive playing style, and it became popular with her victory in the Women’s British Open. Her never-stop smiling attitude gave hope and inspiration to many people as a Cinderella story, and along with her popularity, the term has become a popular buzzword throughout Japan.







  1. 負け犬(Underdog)

  2. サプライズ(Surprise)

  3. 笑う門には福来る(Laughing makes you happy)

  4. 仏作って魂入れず(Buddha statue has no soul)

  5. 歴女(Female history buff)

  6. きつねダンス(Fox dance)

  7. 棚から牡丹餅(Peony mochi from the shelf)

  8. 石橋を叩いて渡る(Knocking on a stone bridge before crossing it)

  9. もののけ(姫)Mononoke (Princess)

  10. ベッカム様(Mr. Beckham)