塵も積もれば山となる(Dust makes a mountain)



















Dust makes a mountain” is used when small daily efforts produce big results later on.

Continuous effort in study or work
Accumulating knowledge little by little every day in one’s studies or improving one’s skills daily at work may not produce immediate results, but in the long run, they will show up as significant growth and achievements. An example would be, “Continuing to read for 10 minutes every day will increase your knowledge.

Saving and saving money
If you continue to save regularly, even a small amount, it can add up to a large savings in a few years. In this case, one can emphasize the importance of accumulating little by little by saying, “Dust makes a mountain.

Sports and health management
Daily exercise and dietary management are also small day by day, but if continued, they can improve health and physical fitness. This is another example of “every little bit of dust makes a big pile.

Similar expressions
The phrases “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” and “small things add up to a great deal” are similar expressions that convey the importance of accumulating small things. Also, “Ame-dare-ishi wo tsukiru” indicates that long-term perseverance and hard work will eventually lead to great results.

Lesson Learned
The proverb, “Many a little makes a mound” contains a lesson about the importance of continued, steady effort in achieving one’s goals. People tend to give up when they cannot see immediate results or effects, but this saying teaches people the importance of perseverance and continuity in the sense that even small actions and efforts, if accumulated, will later show up as great results.

The proverb, “Dust makes a mountain” indicates that even small efforts and actions, if continued, will lead to great results. This proverb teaches us the importance of not wasting any effort, no matter how small, and taking action, little by little, toward our goals.






  1. 地獄に仏(Buddha in hell)

  2. 石の上にも三年(Three years on a stone)

  3. 矛盾(Inconsistency)

  4. 衣食足りて礼節を知る(Only when basic needs for living are met can people spare the effort to be polite)

  5. 二兎追う者は一兎も得ず(Those who chase two rabbits will never get one)

  6. 二階から目薬(Eye drops from the second floor)

  7. 両手に花(Flanked by flowers)

  8. 似たもの夫婦(Like married couple)

  9. 勝って兜の緒を締めよ(Win and tighten your helmet)

  10. 一攫千金(Seize a great opportunity at once)