弘法も筆の誤り(Even a good writer makes typos)










Koubou mo fude no ayamari” is a Japanese proverb meaning that even the best people and masters can make mistakes from time to time. This shows a humble viewpoint that even in a field in which one is considered top-notch, one is not absolutely perfect, and that it is natural for human beings to make mistakes.

The “Kobo” in this proverb refers to Kukai, a high priest of the Heian period (794-1185). Kukai was the founder of the Shingon sect of Buddhism and was also extremely skilled in calligraphy. As a result, he seldom made a single brushstroke wrong and was widely known as a “master of the brush” from that time on. However, even Kukai sometimes made a mistake in writing, which gave birth to the saying “Kobo also makes a mistake in writing.

This proverb is used especially in the following cases

To show that even a master can make mistakes: It is used to express that even the most expert and skilled people can make mistakes.

Conveying humanity and humility: It is also used to encourage people to be tolerant of others’ mistakes and not to blame others or themselves too much.

At the same time, this expression also has connotations such as “the importance of trying without fear of failure” and “an attitude of understanding toward the failures of others,” and has been widely used since ancient times.






  1. イエローカードの値段(Yellow Card Prices)

  2. 釈迦に説法(Lecturing to the Buddha)

  3. 似たもの夫婦(Like married couple)

  4. 悪銭身に付かず(Easy come, easy go)

  5. 棚から牡丹餅(Peony mochi from the shelf)

  6. 一攫千金(Seize a great opportunity at once)

  7. 玉石混交(Mixture of stones and jewels)

  8. 怪我の功名(Lucky break)

  9. 十人十色(Everyone is different)

  10. 寝耳に水(Water is sprayed on you while you sleep)