水と油(Water and Oil)














Mizu to abura (water and oil)” is a Japanese idiom that describes a relationship or combination of two completely different and mutually incompatible properties and personalities. The origin of this expression is that water and oil do not mix. No matter how much they are stirred, water and oil retain their respective properties and do not become one. Therefore, in everyday life, “water and oil” is used to refer to situations where things or people are incompatible and difficult to harmonize.

How this expression is used
Water and oil” is used especially in the following situations

Personality mismatch:
This expression is used to describe a relationship in which two people have contrasting personalities or ways of thinking and cannot understand each other. It is used to describe a relationship that is incompatible and prone to conflict, e.g., “They are always at odds with each other because their personalities are like oil and water.

Incompatibility of things or cultures:
The expression “water and oil” is also used when different cultures, values, customs, etc. do not work well together. For example, in business, mergers between companies with different corporate cultures are sometimes described as “water and oil” that do not work well together.

A situation where cooperation is difficult:
When members of a team or group have difficulty understanding each other, it is sometimes described as “water and oil” by those around them. This situation suggests that conflict and friction are likely to occur even in situations where cooperation is necessary.

Similar expressions
The expression “like dogs and monkeys” has similar connotations. It emphasizes a relationship that is not only incompatible but also hostile or dislikes the other party. On the other hand, “water and oil” differs in that the nuance of “out of harmony” is stronger because their personalities and characteristics are too different rather than adversarial.

The phrase “water and oil” implies “the difficulty of achieving harmony while accepting the differences of the other party.






  1. ボディイメージ障害(Body image disorder)

  2. 高みの見物(High-altitude sights)

  3. ドローン(Drone)

  4. 顔に泥を塗る(Smear mud on the face)

  5. 愛の不時着(Crash Landing on You)

  6. 大山鳴動して鼠一匹(A big mountain shook and one rat came out)

  7. 蛙化現象(Frogification)

  8. 揚げ足を取る(Take the legs off)

  9. 食の不均衡(Food Inequality)

  10. スマホの操り人形(Smartphone puppets)