鬼が笑う(Ogre laughs)
















Onigawarau” is a Japanese proverb used when talking about the future. The proverb expresses the idea that since the future is unpredictable, it is unrealistic and empty to make plans and predictions when nothing is known for sure at this point in time.

Background of this proverb
In Japan, demons have been considered supernatural beings with mystical powers second only to the gods and Buddha. It is believed that demons are beyond human power and have the power to foresee the future and one’s destiny. Therefore, when they saw humans predicting the future so easily or speaking so carelessly, the expression came to mean that “even demons laugh” at such human foolishness.

How this expression is used
The phrase “even the devil laughs” is used primarily in the following situations

When talking about the uncertain future:
It is sometimes used in the form of a warning to someone who speaks definitively about the future or who speaks of plans that are not certain, “The devil will laugh at you. For example, the phrase “the devil will laugh when you talk about next year” is used to warn people against talking about the future, which they do not yet know what will happen.

This is when we are making rash plans for the future:
This phrase is used for people who talk about the future optimistically without any solid evidence. When someone says something like, “I’ll be living comfortably the year after next,” people around you may warn you, “The devil will laugh at you if you say that.

When recommending moderation:
It is also used to encourage an attitude that the future is unpredictable and that one should refrain from overconfidence or overly optimistic thinking. The phrase “the devil laughs” also implies the importance of acting with humility and making steady efforts.

Similar expressions
Expressions such as “You never know what the future holds” and “Tomorrow will bring the winds of tomorrow” have a similar meaning, but are not as nuanced as “the devil laughs” in their warning against caution and careless speech. Another expression, “catch no tanuki no kakakuyoso,” refers to the folly of making overly optimistic plans for the future, and is sometimes used in a similar sense to “oni ga warau” (the devil laughs).

Oni ga laugh” is a proverb that reminds us to be cautious and keep in mind that the future is uncertain. It is an expression that teaches Japanese not to predict the future or speak definitively, but to be modest and humble, urging us to keep in mind that “the future is uncertain.






  1. 臭い物に蓋をする(Cover up stinky things)

  2. 愛はお金で買える?(Can money buy love?)

  3. 四面楚歌(Enemies all around us)

  4. 電気自動車=エコ?(Electric Vehicles = Eco?)

  5. 親のすねをかじる(Nibble on parent’s shin)

  6. 百聞は一見に如かず(Better to see once than a hundred words)

  7. 塵も積もれば山となる(Dust makes a mountain)

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  9. インスタ映え(Instagrammable)

  10. 能ある鷹は爪を隠す(A talented hawk hides its claws)