海老で鯛を釣る(Throw in a shrimp and pull out a whale)





















Ebi de tai wo tsuru“ (”to catch a tai with a shrimp”) is a proverb meaning to obtain large profits or results with little effort or small sacrifice. It represents using something small (shrimp) to obtain something larger (tai), and generally refers to efficiently obtaining large results or a large return on a small investment.

Background of this proverb
Shrimp are often used as bait for fishing, and shrimp are considered especially effective for snapper fishing. However, because bream are more valuable and larger in size than shrimp, the act of using shrimp as bait to catch bream is considered symbolic of “getting big results with little investment. Thus, the expression “catch a sea bream with a shrimp” has been used in Japan since ancient times as a metaphor for how to profit wisely.

How this expression is used
Ebi de tai wo tsurugiru” (to catch a sea bream with a shrimp) is used in the following situations

When a small investment yields a large profit:

When a small investment or a small effort yields more results or benefits than expected, the expression “ebi de tai wo tsurugi (I caught a sea bream with a shrimp)” is used. For example, it is used in situations where a small gift or a small action made a good impression on the other person and gained a big favor.

In commerce and business strategy:
In business, it is suitable for expressing a strategy that aims for big results with a small investment or effort. For example, “catching a snapper with a shrimp” can be used for a campaign that aims to attract a large number of customers while reducing advertising costs, or for marketing activities that attract many customers with inexpensive trial products.

When unexpected success is achieved:
This term is used when a small action attracts a big result or success that you did not expect. For example, a situation in which you win a contest that you entered lightly may be described as “catching a snapper with a shrimp.

The proverb “to catch a sea bream with a shrimp” can sometimes give the impression of cunning, of trying to get a big result by doing something small. Therefore, it should be used with caution, as it may give the impression of being calculating in some situations.

Similar expressions
Ippoku ni nibori” (two birds with one stone): This means to obtain two or more benefits from one action, and is similar in that it is an efficient way to obtain results, but does not emphasize the magnitude of the benefit as much as ‘ebi de tai wo sakiru’ (to catch a sea bream with a shrimp) does.

Tanakara-botamochi”: similar in that it refers to unexpected good fortune or lucky events and gains unexpected benefits, but it represents coincidental events rather than planned gains as in ‘ebi de tai wo tsurugi’ (catching a sea bream with a shrimp).

Ebi de tai wo sakiru” is a proverb meaning to achieve great results with little effort or small investment. It is used in situations of efficient achievement or unexpected success in business or daily life, but in some cases it may also include cleverness and calculation. This proverb teaches us the importance of acting effectively and using our efforts and resources well to achieve great results.







  1. 親の心子知らず(Children don’t know how parents feel)

  2. 愛はお金で買える?(Can money buy love?)

  3. 臭い物に蓋をする(Cover up stinky things)

  4. 西暦2000年問題(Year 2000 problem)

  5. 類は友を呼ぶ(Kind calls for friends)

  6. 衣食足りて礼節を知る(Only when basic needs for living are met can people spare the effort to be polite)

  7. インターネット(Internet)

  8. こだまでしょうか(Is it the particulars?)

  9. 神ってる(Godlike)

  10. 国境を引く政治家(Politicians drawing borders)