口は禍の元(The mouth is a source of disaster)





















The proverb “Kuchi wa wa tamawai no moto” (“one’s mouth is the source of misfortune”) means that one’s unintentional words can cause disasters. It is a lesson that we need to be careful in what we say and do because our words can cause unexpected troubles and problems.

Background of this proverb
What one says can affect others in many ways. A small word can hurt or offend others, or a comment can be misunderstood and spread, leading to unexpected trouble. The phrase “one’s words are the source of misfortune” was born from such experiences and lessons learned, and is meant as a reminder to be careful with one’s words, as one’s unintentional words can be the cause of misfortune.

How this expression is used
This expression is used in the following situations.

When an unintentional remark causes trouble:
When a casual remark causes misunderstanding or harm to others and leads to trouble, we look back and say, “Mouth is the source of misfortune. For example, when you accidentally tell someone else’s secret, and it turns out to be a big problem.

A warning against gaffes and thoughtless remarks:
To warn people that problems can occur if they are not careful with their words, it is also used in situations where advice is given in the form of, “Your mouth is the source of misfortune, so you should be careful with what you say. Used to urge people to be careful about what they say, such as gossiping or criticizing others.

Advice in situations where it is better not to speak:
In some situations, it is better not to speak your opinion or thoughts unnecessarily. For example, when you are urging someone to refrain from speaking on a sensitive or misleading subject.

Cautionary Note
The phrase “Out of the mouth comes evil” is often used as a warning against speaking out, especially when it is hurtful or misleading, and indicates the importance of choosing one’s words carefully. However, this does not mean that it is better not to speak, but rather contains the lesson that it is important to use appropriate language, taking into consideration the content of the statement and the situation.

Similar expressions
Don’t say it, but don’t do it” means that some things are better left unsaid, and is used especially on emotional or sensitive topics.
Kosui-bon ni kiranai” means that once something has been said or happened, it cannot be undone, and encourages people to be careful about what they say or do.

The saying, “Out of the mouth comes evil,” is a reminder to be careful with what we say, because a casual remark can cause a big problem. It conveys the importance of choosing one’s words carefully in daily conversation and in one’s speech at work. This expression teaches us that it is important to refrain from saying unnecessary words and to be considerate in our language in order to maintain good relationships with others.






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