悪銭身に付かず(Easy come, easy go)




















汗水垂らして稼いだ金: 労働や正当な手段で得たお金は、大切に使われることを指します。
金持ち喧嘩せず: 豊かさや安定した財産がある人は、争いを避けることができるという意味。


棚ぼたの金: 思いがけず手に入れたお金は、時に価値を見失いやすい。
楽して稼ぐ金、苦労して消える: 努力をせずに得たお金は、あまり持続しないという教訓。




Akusen-mi ni tsukazu” is a proverb meaning that money obtained through dishonest or unjust means is quickly squandered and does not remain in one’s possession.
Akusen mi-ni-tsukazu”: money obtained through dishonest means or without hard work.
Unearned”: money that does not stay with you as your property and easily disappears.

Background and Origin
This word expresses the human psychology that money obtained by dishonest means is not treated with care and is easily squandered because it is not valued in the mind. It also contains the lesson that money earned through legitimate efforts and labor is accompanied by prudence and gratitude, but otherwise tends to lead to wasteful spending.

Examples of Use
Examples from daily life

A gambler wins a large sum of money, but quickly spends it all.
You win a lot of money in the lottery, spend it all, and end up poor again. Bad money never pays off.”
Ill-gotten gains cause a loss of social credibility.
The money he made from backroom deals was also ill-gotten, and it brought discredit on the company.”

Stories and historical examples
Tale: In an old tale or novel, a thief wastes stolen money and is punished in the end.
History”: An example of a person who, in a short period of time and through dishonest means, obtains a large sum of money and is ruined by his lavish spending and extravagance.

Lessons Learned / Application to Today
Importance of labor.

Money earned through legitimate effort or work is easier to understand its value and is less likely to be wasted.
When we earn bad money, we lack the “hard work and significance” of that money and are less inclined to treat it with care.

Ethics and Money Management
Fraud and get-rich-quick schemes may be profitable in the short term, but they carry a high risk of losing long-term trust and satisfaction.
For example, acts such as investment fraud and tax evasion can cause people to lose trust in others.

Saving and Planning Lives
A planned management of income earned through labor or the right way can lead to a sustainable life.
Living a life of spending money without a plan can lead to a situation similar to that of “no bad money goes unturned.

Contrastive and Related Expressions
Contrastive Expression

Money earned through sweat: money earned through labor or legitimate means is to be used with care.
Rich man never fights: means that a person with wealth or stable possessions can avoid conflict.

Similar expressions
Money from a shelf: money acquired unexpectedly can sometimes lose its value.
Money earned with pleasure, disappearing with hard work: the lesson is that money earned without effort does not last very long.

The phrase “no bad money goes unturned” is meant to discourage dishonest behavior. However, in reality, even money earned in a legitimate way can easily be squandered if not planned for. It is important to take this proverb not as a mere ethical exhortation, but as a reminder to be prudent in the use of money.

The proverb “Bad money never pays” is a warning that money earned through dishonesty or ease will not stay with you in the end. It teaches the importance of properly understanding the value of money and taking care of income earned through legitimate means. By taking this lesson to heart and living a well-planned and honest life, we can lead a more fulfilling life.






  1. 雲泥の差(The difference between clouds and mud)

  2. 矛盾(Inconsistency)

  3. 黙食(Silent Eating)

  4. 石橋を叩いて渡る(Knocking on a stone bridge before crossing it)

  5. 過去の重荷(Burden of the Past)

  6. 人生は短い(Life is short)

  7. 海老で鯛を釣る(Throw in a shrimp and pull out a whale)

  8. 似たもの夫婦(Like married couple)

  9. 頭隠して尻隠さず(Hide your head, don’t hide your butt)

  10. 教養の大切さ(Importance of education)