妖怪ウォッチ(Yokai watch)





対応機種:ニンテンドー3DS(初代)、その後スマホアプリやNintendo Switchなどでも展開






・映画『妖怪ウォッチ 誕生の秘密だニャン!』(2014年12月公開)が歴代邦画アニメトップクラスの興行収入を記録





・2015年の映画『妖怪ウォッチ エンマ大王と5つの物語だニャン!』も大ヒット。


・2019年には『妖怪ウォッチ4』がNintendo Switchで発売されるも、以前ほどの熱狂には至らず。

「妖怪ウォッチ」の影響と legacy




・スマホアプリ『妖怪ウォッチ ぷにぷに』が根強い人気を維持。





YOKAI WATCH” is a cross-media project planned and developed by Level-5 and has been in development since 2013. The game, anime, manga, and merchandise have been a huge hit, creating a social phenomenon that was even nominated for a buzzword award in 2014. The popularity of the series has exploded, especially among elementary school students, and it has been called “the most popular social phenomenon since the Pokemon boom.

What is “YOKAI WATCH”?
Developer/Distributor: Level-5
Genre: RPG (role-playing game)
Compatibility: Nintendo 3DS (first generation), later expanded to smartphone applications and Nintendo Switch, etc.
Main development:
Game (released in 2013)
Anime (started airing in 2014)
Manga (serialized in “Corocoro Comic”)
Goods and toys (Bandai sells “Yokai Watch” related toys)

The story is about the main character, Amano Keita (or Misora Inaho), who gets a “Yokai Watch” that allows him to see yokai, and solves the city’s problems while meeting various yokai.

The story features a variety of unique yokai such as Jibanyan and Whisper, and the setting, in which small everyday problems are the work of yokai, became popular for its uniqueness.

Background of “YOKAI WATCH” becoming a buzzword
Became a social phenomenon in 2014
Animation hit (began airing in January 2014)
Game hit (3DS “Yokai Watch 2” sold over 3 million units)
Explosive sales of related goods (“Youkai Medals” were in short supply)
The theme song “Geragera Po no Uta” became popular among children
The movie “YOKAI WATCH: The Secret of Birth! (released in December 2014) recorded one of the highest box-office revenues among Japanese animation films of all time.
As a result of this boom, “YOKAI WATCH” was nominated for the 2014 Ryukugo Taisho Award.

Why did it become so popular among children?
A new monster-breeding series following in the footsteps of “Pokemon” and “Digimon
Utilizing the Japanese theme of “yokai” while incorporating everyday elements that modern children can easily relate to
Successful cross-media strategy integrating games, animation, merchandise, and music
The collection element of collecting and playing “yokai medals” became popular.

Peak of the craze and afterwards
Peak in 2014-2015

In 2014, “YOKAI WATCH 2” became a social phenomenon hit.
In 2015, the movie “YOKAI WATCH: Five Stories of Emma the Great and Her Friends! was also a big hit.
YOKAI WATCH“ was so popular that it was described as **”post-Pokémon “**.

Changes in popularity since 2016
The boom gradually calmed down around 2016.
The worldwide success of “Pokémon GO” shifted children’s attention to the game.
After “YOKAI WATCH 3,” sales declined and sales of merchandise also declined.
In 2019, “YOKAI WATCH 4” will be released on Nintendo Switch, but it will not generate the same level of enthusiasm as before.

The impact of “Yokai Watch” and legacy
Impact on the Japanese anime and video game market
The success of “YOKAI WATCH” can be described as an example of successful cross-media development.
The series has created an era as a hit series for children, following “Pokemon” and “Digimon”.
The Japanese theme of “yokai” was reevaluated and influenced later works.

Influence in the game industry
The smartphone application “YOKAI WATCH PU-NI-PU-NI” maintained its strong popularity.
In the game market, it established a new style of “monster raising” games.

Establishing itself as a buzzword
The term “yokai watch” is often referred to as a buzzword that symbolizes the year 2014.
Catchy phrases such as “geragerapo” also became popular and took the world by storm.

☑“Youkai Watch” is a cross-media work, primarily a video game and anime, created by Level-5.
☑It became a social phenomenon in 2014 and was so popular that it was nominated for a buzzword award.
☑The game, anime, movie, and merchandise were linked together and became a huge hit.
☑The boom has calmed down since 2016, but the series is still ongoing.
☑The series has had a major impact on the Japanese entertainment industry and still has a strong fan base.

Yokai Watch” will be remembered as more than just a passing fad, but as a work that created a new style in the Japanese video game and anime market.







  1. 三人寄れば文殊の知恵(The wisdom of three is better than the wise)

  2. 逃がした魚は大きい(The fish that escaped is big)

  3. 今でしょ!(It’s now!)

  4. 塵も積もれば山となる(Dust makes a mountain)

  5. カープ女子(Carp Girls)

  6. 短気は損気(Short temper is bad luck)

  7. 自己責任(Self-responsibility)

  8. 地獄に仏(Buddha in hell)

  9. 親の七光り(Reap the glorious benefits of your parents)

  10. 月とすっぽん(Moon and soft-shelled turtle)