PM2.5(Particulate matter 2.5)





・PMは「Particulate Matter(粒子状物質)」の略。



























PM2.5 (P.M. Nitengo)” refers to fine particulate matter with a diameter of 2.5 micrometers or less. The term has been frequently mentioned in Japan since around 2013, and was nominated for a buzzword award in the same year. In particular, it attracted attention in connection with the air pollution problem in China.

Definition and Characteristics of PM2.5
What is PM2.5?
PM stands for “Particulate Matter.
It refers to minute particles in the atmosphere with a diameter of 2.5 micrometers (μm) or less.
One micrometer is one thousandth of a millimeter, so PM2.5 is very small.

So minute that they are invisible to the naked eye.
It easily penetrates deep into the lungs, adversely affecting health.
Major sources include automobile exhaust, factory smoke, forest fires, and yellow sand.
It travels long distances on the wind, affecting areas far away.

Background of PM2.5 becoming a buzzword
China’s Air Pollution Problem Becomes More Serious in 2013
In early 2013, China experienced severe air pollution, especially in Beijing.
The sky became a white haze, and the concentration of PM2.5 was dozens of times higher than the standard value.
The incident was widely reported on Japanese news and social networking services as “pollutants from China are affecting Japan as well.

High concentrations of PM2.5 observed in various parts of Japan
Around February 2013, PM2.5 concentrations increased in Japan (especially in the Kyushu region).
Warnings such as “avoid going outside due to air pollution” were issued.
In response, the term “PM2.5” was frequently reported in the media and spread to the general public.

Nominated for the Ryukugo Award
In 2013, the term was nominated for the New Words and Trendy Words Award.
It triggered increased interest in environmental issues and health.

Health Effects of PM2.5
PM2.5 has been shown to have adverse effects on the respiratory and circulatory systems.

Respiratory diseases
Worsening of asthma (asthma)
Increased risk of lung cancer

Diseases of the circulatory system
Increased risk of myocardial infarction and stroke
Increased blood pressure

Other effects
Sore eyes and throat
Worsening of dermatitis and allergy symptoms
Children, the elderly, and people with pre-existing respiratory illnesses are particularly susceptible.

Countermeasures and Prevention of PM2.5
Measures that can be taken by individuals
Refrain from going outside (especially on days when PM2.5 concentrations are high)
Wear masks (N95-rated masks are particularly effective)
Use air purifiers (with filters for PM2.5)
Minimize window opening and closing (check PM2.5 concentration when ventilating)

Government and local government response
Forecast and alert for PM2.5 (Ministry of the Environment and local governments provide information in real time)
Tightening of emission regulations (tightening of automobile emission regulations and factory emission standards)
International cooperation (holding environmental action meetings in Japan, China, and Korea)

Current PM2.5 situation
PM2.5 is still being observed and forecasted in Japan, although it is not as big a topic as it was in 2013.
PM2.5 remains an international environmental issue, as China, India, and other countries continue to experience serious air pollution.

☑“PM2.5” are microscopic particles in the air that have a negative impact on health and the environment.
☑The problem of air pollution in China became more serious in 2013, attracting attention in Japan.
☑It has effects on the respiratory and circulatory systems, and children and the elderly in particular need to be careful.
☑Individual measures include wearing masks and using air purifiers.
☑PM2.5 continues to be observed and forecast in Japan and is recognized as an environmental problem.

PM2.5” is not a temporary buzzword; it is still an important keyword in environmental issues.







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