今でしょ!(It’s now!)


今でしょ!」は、2013年の流行語大賞を受賞したフレーズで、東進ハイスクール・東進衛星予備校の講師である林修(はやし おさむ)先生が使用したキャッチフレーズです。この言葉は、彼が出演したテレビCMをきっかけに大流行し、多くのメディアで取り上げられるようになりました。





林修先生が出演する東進ハイスクールのテレビCMで、「いつやるか? 今でしょ!」というセリフが使われ、大きな反響を呼びました。












書籍『いつやるか? 今でしょ!』(林修著)が出版され、ベストセラーに。










Now! is a catchphrase used by Osamu Hayashi, a teacher at Tojin High School and Tojin Satellite Prep School. The phrase became very popular after a TV commercial featuring him, and was picked up by many media outlets.

The birth of “It’s now! The birth of the phrase and how it became popular
The phrase was born from a lesson given by Mr. Osamu Hayashi.
The phrase “It’s now! was originally a phrase used by Mr. Osamu Hayashi to encourage his students during class.
When students were wondering when they should study for an entrance exam, he would say, “Now! He would immediately answer, “Now! to encourage students to take action.

A 2013 commercial for Tojin High School has made it a hot topic.
In a TV commercial for Tojin High School featuring Mr. Osamu Hayashi, the question “When are you going to do it? Now! was used in a TV commercial for a TOHOJIN High School program featuring Mr. Osamu Hayashi, and the line “When are you going to do it?
The commercial drew attention to the phrase’s versatility, and not only students preparing for exams, but also working adults, athletes, and even politicians began to use the phrase.
In 2013, the phrase “It’s now or never! won the Grand Prize in 2013, making Dr. Osamu Hayashi the man of the moment.

Why “It’s now! became a buzzword because
Simple and easy to understand

The phrase “It’s now! is short, easy to remember, and easy to use.
Many people liked the phrase because of its versatility and its ability to be used immediately when one is unsure of a decision.

It can be used in any situation.
It was a useful phrase not only for studying for exams, but also for work, sports, and all other aspects of life.
“You want to start a diet?” →Now is the time!
If you want to try something new? →Now’s the time!
Confess your feelings? →Now is the time!
The character of Mr. Osamu Hayashi has also had an influence on the use of the phrase.

The influence of Dr. Osamu Hayashi’s character
The fact that Dr. Hayashi’s intellectual yet approachable character was widely covered in the media was also a factor in the popularity of the phrase.
He began appearing not only in commercials, but also in variety shows and news programs, and his name recognition rose dramatically.
As a result, “Now! has established the image of “Osamu Hayashi = quote maker.

The influence of “It’s Now! Influence of
Winner of the Ryukugo Award

Hayashi won the annual “New Words and Trendy Words Award” in 2013.
In his acceptance speech, Osamu Hayashi expressed his joy at receiving the once-in-a-lifetime award.

Advertisement and product development
Corporate advertisements and product development using the phrase “It’s now! has been used in numerous corporate advertisements and campaigns.
The book “When? Now! (written by Osamu Hayashi) was published and became a bestseller.
T-shirts, sundries, and other goods were also produced.

Increased TV appearances by Osamu Hayashi
The popularity of “It’s Now! became popular, and Mr. Osamu Hayashi established himself as a TV personality and lecturer.
He has appeared on “Nepu League,” “Good! Morning,” ‘Hatsumimimi Gaku,’ and many other variety shows.
He has established himself not only as a teacher for entrance examinations, but also as an intellectual TV personality with a wide range of knowledge.

The current “Good Morning!
Not as popular as in 2013, but established

Although it is not as popular as it was in 2013, “It’s now! is still used in daily conversation.
It is a phrase used when one is faced with a decision, and it is still very popular.

Mr. Osamu Hayashi is still active on TV.
Hayashi’s breakthrough came with the phrase “It’s now! is still active on TV and in books.
He has established himself as an intellectual celebrity who not only lectures to students for entrance examinations, but also comments on a wide range of topics including business, culture, and politics.

The phrase ☑ “It’s now or never!” became very popular in 2013 as a famous line by Mr. Osamu Hayashi.
☑It became popular nationwide after a commercial for Tojin High School, and won the Shintōgo Ryūwa Taishō (新語・流行語大賞) award.
☑It was used in a wide range of situations as a simple and versatile phrase to encourage decision-making.
☑Mr. Osamu Hayashi got his big break with this phrase and is still active on TV.

The phrase “It’s now or never!” is not a temporary buzzword, but a phrase that has become established as a phrase that continues to be used in everyday conversation.







  1. 親の心子知らず(Children don’t know how parents feel)

  2. 塵も積もれば山となる(Dust makes a mountain)

  3. リベンジ(Revenge)

  4. 弘法も筆の誤り(Even a good writer makes typos)

  5. ファストファッション(Fast fashion)

  6. 挑戦者と断念者(Challenger and Abandoner)

  7. 主観と客観(Subjective and Objective)

  8. スーパーボランティア(Supervolunteer)

  9. 今でしょ!(It’s now!)

  10. 猫に小判(Money for cat)