スマホ(Smart phone)












「2008年」:GoogleがAndroid OSを開発し、多くのメーカーがAndroidスマホを発売。
「2009年」:日本でもiPhone 3Gが発売され、本格的にスマホ時代が到来。























The “smartphone” (short for smart phone) is a device that rapidly spread in Japan in the 2010s and became an indispensable part of daily life. Along with its widespread use, the term “smartphone” has become a household word, and in 2012 it was selected as one of the top 10 buzzwords in the “You-Can New Words and Trendy Words Awards.

What is a smartphone (smart phone)?
A smartphone refers to a mobile terminal equipped with advanced PC-like functions compared to a conventional cell phone (feature phone). They are capable of Internet connection and application use, and are used for a wide variety of purposes, not limited to phone calls and e-mail.

Main Features
Touch panel operation: An interface that is operated by directly touching the screen instead of using buttons.
Application use: Applications can be downloaded for various purposes.

In addition to phone calls and e-mail, a wide range of functions are provided, including a camera, video playback, SNS, games, and online shopping.
Internet access: High-speed Internet access via Wi-Fi or mobile data communication.

Popularization of the term “smartphone
The abbreviation “smartphone” began to be used in Japan around 2010. Until then, it was often referred to by the formal name “smartphone,” but “smart phone” became popular for the following reasons

Familiarity”: Short, easy to say and remember
Promotion by major carriers”: Japanese cell phone carriers (NTT Docomo, au, and Softbank) actively used the term ‘smartphone’ in their TV commercials and advertisements.
Trans-generational diffusion”: The casual use of the term has spread among a wide range of generations, including the elderly.

Diffusion of smartphones and its background
Beginning of diffusion

2007″: Apple Inc. released the first-generation ”iPhone. This led to the spread of smartphones.
2008″: Google developed the Android OS, and many manufacturers launched Android smartphones.
2009″: The iPhone 3G was released in Japan, ushering in the smartphone era in earnest.

Acceleration of diffusion in Japan
Early 2010s: The replacement of feature phones (so-called “Galaga-Kei”) with smartphones rapidly progresses.
Telecommunication carriers aggressively promote plans and handsets for smartphones.
Demand for games, SNS, maps, e-books, etc. increases as the application market expands.

Trends in Smartphone Usage Rates
In 2011: Smartphone ownership was less than 10%, but by 2015 it will be about 70%, and after 2020 it will reach 80% or more.
The penetration rate is particularly high among young people, and today it is spreading to the elderly as well.

Impact of smartphones on society
Changes in daily life

Diversification of communication: SNS and chat applications such as LINE, Instagram, and Twitter have become popular.
Efficient collection of information”: News, weather forecasts, and research can now be easily accessed via smartphones.
Acceleration of digitization: E-books, online shopping, and cashless payments become more accessible.

Impact on industries
Expansion of the app market: Growth of app-related industries such as games, entertainment, and health care.
Evolution of digital advertising: The spread of smartphones will lead to more sophisticated targeting of online advertisements.
Development of the telecommunications industry: New services are emerging one after another as 5G and other high-speed telecommunications technologies advance.

Occurrence of social problems
Addiction”: ‘smartphone addiction,’ in which people cannot let go of their smartphones, has become an issue.
Walking on the phone”: Local governments warned people to be careful of walking on their phones, as it can cause traffic accidents and injuries.
Privacy concerns: Leakage of personal information and Internet fraud increase.

Background of “smart phone” becoming a buzzword
The following are the reasons behind the spread of the term “smartphone” as a buzzword.
Penetration into society as a whole”: As it became a daily necessity in the 2010s, it became a topic of interest to everyone.
Influence of advertisements and media”: The word ‘smartphone’ was frequently used in TV commercials and magazine articles.
Easy and memorable name”: The short and casual sound of the term made it acceptable to many people.

Evolution and Future of Smartphones
Smartphones are expected to continue to evolve in the future.

Further technological evolution
Development of folding smartphones and devices in which the entire screen functions as a fingerprint sensor.
Introduction of AI technology”: Improvement in the accuracy of voice assistants and prediction of user behavior.
AR/VR support: Expanding use of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) using smartphones.

Possibility of lifestyles without having
Wearable devices (smartwatches and smart glasses) may complement the role of smartphones, easing smartphone dependence.

Sustainability issues
Promotion of recycling and reuse to reduce environmental impact.
Innovations in battery technology and handset designs that can be used for long periods of time are required.

The buzzword “smartphone” is more than just a name for a device; it is a symbol of changing lifestyles and social evolution.
∙ They became popular in the late 2000s and established themselves as a daily necessity in the 2010s.
It has revolutionized people’s lives in every aspect, including communication, information gathering, entertainment, and work.
On the other hand, they also pose challenges such as addiction and privacy issues.
Smartphones will continue to evolve with new technologies and devices, and will continue to influence our lives.







  1. 国境を引く政治家(Politicians drawing borders)

  2. 知らぬが仏(Ignorance is bliss)

  3. NOと言う勇気(Courage to say NO)

  4. なでしこジャパン(Nadeshiko Japan)

  5. 怪我の功名(Lucky break)

  6. 地球沸騰化(Global boiling)

  7. エンブレム(Emblem)

  8. インターネット(Internet)

  9. 光陰矢の如し(Time flies like an arrow)

  10. 友愛(Fraternity)