政権交代(Regime change)






























The term “regime change” refers to a new opposition party coming to power after the ruling party is defeated in an election or other such event. In Japan, the term became a popular buzzword when the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) defeated the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) in the 2009 House of Representatives election, resulting in a change of government.

Meaning of the term “regime change
The term “regime change” refers to a change in the political party at the center of government.

In countries with parliamentary democracies, it is common for the government to change through elections.
In Japan, the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) has been in power for many years, so a change of government tends to be big news.
A “two-party system with a change of government” is considered an important factor for political stability.

Background of “regime change” becoming a buzzword
The 2009 House of Representatives Election

The Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) won the House of Representatives election on August 30, 2009.
The LDP, which had previously been the ruling party, suffered a crushing defeat, and for the second time in the postwar era, a full-fledged change of government took place.
The DPJ’s catchphrase “regime change” became the talk of the election campaign, and became a popular phrase.

Trends before 2009
In Japan, the LDP was the ruling party for most of the period since 1955 (55-year regime).
A change of government occurred once in 1993 with the formation of the Morihiro Hosokawa cabinet, but it was short-lived.
In the 2000s, after the Junichiro Koizumi administration, the LDP’s approval rating declined and expectations for a change of government grew.

Factors behind the change of government in 2009
Growing dissatisfaction with the LDP

The Lehman Shock in 2008 dealt a major blow to the Japanese economy.
Lifestyle insecurity increased due to pension problems and “cut-off of dispatched workers”.
Decline in support for Taro Aso’s cabinet (“misreading of kanji” and other criticisms).

The momentum of the DPJ
The Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), led by Yukio Hatoyama, raised the slogan of “regime change” and drew public expectations.
Policies such as “child allowance” and “free highways” gained support.
The party called for reforms “from bureaucrat-led to politician-led.”

Influence of Media and Public Opinion
The media frequently used the key phrase “regime change,” and public interest grew.
The term “regime change” was strongly impressed in the election campaign at that time.

Subsequent developments (evaluation after the change of government)
Challenges for the DPJ Administration

In September 2009, Yukio Hatoyama’s cabinet was inaugurated, but it lost its way due to the Futenma base issue and other problems.
In 2010, the cabinet was replaced by Naoto Kan, but support declined due to the consumption tax hike issue.
After the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, the Kan administration’s response was criticized.

Another change of government in 2012 (return of the LDP)
In the 2012 Lower House election, the LDP won a landslide victory and the Shinzo Abe administration was inaugurated.
The DPJ administration ends after three years and three months, and the LDP is once again in power.
Many people feel that their expectations of a “change of government” have been betrayed, and support for the DPJ slumps.

Impact of the “regime change” and current situation
Significance of Regime Change

The establishment of a “regime changeable government” will ensure the functioning of a healthy democracy.
It is important for political parties to compete with each other and for voters to have a choice.

Subsequent Changes in Japanese Politics
Since 2012, the LDP has again maintained long-term power.
Opposition parties continue to split or stagnate, and the possibility of a change of government declines.
In the general election of 2021, the LDP lost seats in the Diet, but still maintained its position as the ruling party.

The term “regime change” refers to a change in the ruling party as a result of an election, and became a popular phrase especially when the DPJ came to power in 2009.
The slogan at the time, “regime change,” made a strong impression on the public, and the DPJ won a major victory.
However, due to the short-lived and chaotic DPJ administration, the LDP regained power in 2012.
Since then, Japan has been in a political situation where a “regime change” is unlikely to occur.

The term “regime change” is one of the keywords that symbolize the history of Japanese politics, and it is one of the themes that will continue to attract attention in the future.







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  6. 骨太の方針(Firm policy)

  7. 水と油(Water and Oil)

  8. 急がば回れ(Haste makes speedy)

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  10. ダメよ~ダメダメ(No – no, no, no, no, no.)