「インターネット」という言葉自体は現在では一般的ですが、1990年代後半から2000年代初頭にかけて、日本で広く普及し、流行語となりました。特に、1995年のWindows 95の発売をきっかけに一般家庭への普及が加速し、その影響で「インターネット」という言葉が多くの人に知られるようになりました。
Windows 95の登場(1995年)
マイクロソフトの「Windows 95」が発売され、一般家庭でもパソコンが普及し始めました。このOSにはインターネット接続機能が強化されており、個人が気軽にインターネットを利用できる環境が整いました。
・Yahoo! BB(ソフトバンク系)
YouTube(2005年)、Netflix、Amazon Prime Video などが登場し、テレビに代わる新しい娯楽が生まれた。
AI技術とインターネットが融合し、検索エンジンや音声アシスタント(Siri、Google Assistant)などが進化。
・Windows 95の普及やプロバイダーサービスの拡充が流行のきっかけとなった。
The term “Internet” itself is common today, but it became widely popular and a buzzword in Japan in the late 1990s and early 2000s. In particular, the launch of Windows 95 in 1995 accelerated the spread of the term “Internet” to ordinary households.
What is the Internet?
The Internet is an information and communications network that connects computers and networks around the world to each other. Originally a technology born of U.S. military research, it has become an indispensable infrastructure used by people around the world.Background of “Internet” becoming a buzzword
The following factors have contributed to the emergence of “Internet” as a buzzword among the general public in Japan.Launch of Windows 95 (1995)
With the release of Microsoft’s “Windows 95,” personal computers began to become popular even among ordinary households. This OS had enhanced Internet connection capabilities, creating an environment in which individuals could easily use the Internet.Expansion of Provider Services
From the late 1990s, the number of providers (ISP: Internet Service Provider) increased, enabling individuals to connect to the Internet at a relatively low cost.Typical providers
OCN (NTT-affiliated)
BIGLOBE (NEC affiliate)
So-net (Sony)
@nifty (Fujitsu)
Yahoo! BB (Softbank)Popularity of the Terms “Net Surfing” and “Home Page
In the late 1990s, the terms “surfing the Net” and “creating a homepage” became popular, and the general public became interested in the Internet.
More and more people created personal homepages using HTML, and information dissemination became more active.Spread of Electronic Mail (E-mail)
Not only companies but also individuals began to use e-mail, and it took root as a new means of communication to replace postal mail and telephone calls.Emergence of Internet Cafes
From the late 1990s to the 2000s, the number of Internet cafes (Internet cafes) increased, making the Internet readily available to those who do not have a computer at home.Enhancement of online services
The development of search engines (Yahoo!, Google) improved Internet convenience.
The spread of online shopping (Rakuten Ichiba, Amazon) has increased the number of people shopping online.The Development of the Internet and Its Impact on Society
When “Internet” became a buzzword, it was just beginning to be used generally, but its subsequent development has drastically changed the way society works.Explosive Increase in Information
With the spread of the Internet, information from all over the world became easily accessible.
Online news sites and blogs have replaced newspapers and magazines as the mainstream.Birth of SNS
Since the 2000s, social networking services (SNS) have emerged and changed the way people communicate.
Typical examples: mixi (2004), Facebook (2004), Twitter (2006)Establishment of online shopping
Online shopping sites such as Rakuten Ichiba and Amazon became popular, allowing shoppers to shop without going to a physical store.Emergence of smartphones (2010s)
The proliferation of smartphones made the Internet more accessible, allowing anyone to access it anytime, anywhere.Development of video distribution and streaming services
YouTube (2005), Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, etc. emerged, creating a new entertainment alternative to television.The Internet Today
Today, the term “Internet” itself is no longer special, but has become an indispensable infrastructure for daily life.Development of 5G and next-generation communication technologies
Advancements in high-speed communication technology (5G) have improved the convenience of smart devices.IoT (Internet of Things)
Home appliances and automobiles are connected to the Internet, leading to the development of smart home and automated driving technologies.Fusion with AI (Artificial Intelligence)
AI technology and the Internet are merging, and search engines and voice assistants (Siri, Google Assistant) are evolving.Internet” became a buzzword in Japan in the late 1990s and early 2000s.
The spread of Windows 95 and the expansion of provider services were the catalysts for its popularity.
The Internet has changed people’s lives dramatically through information gathering, social networking, and online shopping.
Today, it is connected to smartphones and AI, and has evolved even further.When the word “Internet” became a buzzword, it was still a new technology, but today it has become an indispensable part of our lives.