







✅ 対立より協調を重視する政治姿勢
✅ 平和外交の推進(特にアジア重視)
✅ 格差の是正、弱者に優しい社会





✅ アジア外交の重視(中国・韓国との関係強化)
✅ 米軍基地問題への対応(沖縄・普天間基地移設問題)
✅ 社会福祉の拡充(子ども手当など)













✅ 「友愛」は、2009年ごろに流行した言葉で、鳩山由紀夫首相の政治理念として広まった。
✅ 「対立より協調」を重視し、アジア外交や社会福祉の拡充を目指した。
✅ しかし、政策の迷走や実現力不足により、「友愛」はジョークの対象になったり、陰謀論的に使われたりもした。
✅ 鳩山政権の退陣とともに流行は終わったが、「協調の政治」という考え方は今もなお議論されている。


Yu-Ai” became a buzzword in Japan around 2009 and was popularized as a key word during the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) administration. It became especially famous as the political philosophy of Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama (in office from September 2009 to June 2010).

Background of the “fraternity” craze
Yukio Hatoyama and “fraternity

Influenced by his grandfather, former Prime Minister Ichiro Hatoyama (in office from 1954 to 1956), Yukio Hatoyama placed “fraternity” at the center of his political philosophy. Ichiro Hatoyama was also a man who emphasized “fraternity” and promoted peace diplomacy in postwar Japan.

The Change of Government in 2009 and the Emphasis on “Friendship
In August 2009, the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) won the lower house election and Yukio Hatoyama became prime minister. At that time, he declared that he would “pursue a politics based on the spirit of fraternity.

This word “fraternity” is,
✅ A political stance that emphasizes cooperation rather than confrontation
✅ Promotion of peaceful diplomacy (with particular emphasis on Asia)
✅ A society that corrects disparities and is kind to the weak

These were the principles of the LDP. In particular, many people paid attention to the keyword “fraternity,” partly in reaction to the “disparity society” that had been widened by the economic policies of the LDP administration.

Meaning and Usage of “Fraternity
The word “fraternity” itself is old and originally meant “people helping each other with friendship and affection. It has the same meaning as “fraternité” in the French Revolution’s slogan “Liberty, Equality, and Philanthropy.

Hatoyama used this as his political philosophy and linked it to the following policies, among others

✅ Emphasis on Asian diplomacy (strengthening relations with China and South Korea)
✅ Addressing the U.S. military base problem (the Futenma base relocation issue in Okinawa)
✅ Expansion of social welfare (child allowance, etc.)

Thus, the word “fraternity” came to be used as a symbol of **”politics that values cooperation over confrontation.

Reasons why “fraternity” became a hot topic and criticism
Although “fraternity” gained attention at the start of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) administration, it gradually came to be used in a negative context as well.

The Hatoyama administration’s missteps
Despite the “fraternal love” philosophy, relations with the U.S. deteriorated over the issue of the Futenma base in Okinawa, and the government eventually abandoned the plan to relocate the base. In addition, the government’s lack of ability to realize its policies was pointed out, and its approval rating plummeted.

Friendship” Becomes a Joke
Although “fraternity” was used as a political slogan, its ambiguity and difficulty in realization led to criticism that it was “too idealistic. On the Internet, the word “fraternity” was increasingly used sarcastically and spread as a buzzword.

Fraternity” and Conspiracy Theories
Some people have even started conspiracy rumors that the word “fraternity” was used to exclude political opponents. While this was actually baseless, joking expressions such as “fraternized = erased” became widespread on the Internet.

The End of the “Friendship” Craze and Beyond
The Hatoyama administration stepped down in June 2010, and the use of the word “fraternity” as a buzzword declined thereafter. However, the idea of “a political stance that emphasizes cooperation over confrontation” remains a subject of debate.

In addition, in recent years, the word “fraternity” has been used more often in corporate management principles and in the field of education than in politics.

✅ “Fraternity” is a word that became popular around 2009 and was popularized as a political philosophy by Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama.
✅ He emphasized “cooperation rather than confrontation” and aimed to expand Asian diplomacy and social welfare.
✅ However, due to policy lapses and a lack of realization, “fraternity” became the subject of jokes and was sometimes used in a conspiratorial manner.
✅ Although the fad ended with the departure of the Hatoyama administration, the idea of “politics of cooperation” is still debated today.

Although “fraternity” was popularized as a buzzword for a time, it was ultimately used more often in a critical context due to the large gap between the ideal and reality in the political world. Nevertheless, the idea of “valuing cooperation over conflict” itself has remained an important theme throughout the ages.







  1. 叩けば埃が出る(Tap it and you get dust)

  2. 歴女(Female history buff)

  3. 自分で自分をほめたい(I want to praise myself)

  4. 急がば回れ(Haste makes speedy)

  5. 飼い犬に手を噛まれる(Bitten by a pet dog)

  6. 本の終末(End of book)

  7. ガラスの天井(Glass ceiling)

  8. 主観と客観(Subjective and Objective)

  9. 自己責任(Self-responsibility)

  10. SEALDs