「IT革命」は、1999年~2000年ごろに日本で流行語となった言葉で、情報技術(IT: Information Technology)の発展によって起こる経済や社会の劇的な変革を指します。
✅ パソコンの普及(Windows 95の登場が大きな転機)
✅ インターネット利用者の増加(企業や個人のネット活用が本格化)
✅ 携帯電話・メール・ウェブサービスの進化
✅ IT企業の急成長(Microsoft、Google、Amazonなど)
✅ 1999年 – 小渕恵三内閣が「IT革命」をスローガンとして掲げ、政策を推進。
✅ 2000年 – 「e-Japan戦略」(日本のIT戦略)が発表され、ブロードバンド普及や電子政府化が進められた。
✅ IT企業の成長 – ソフトバンク、楽天、ライブドアなどのIT関連企業が急成長し、ITバブルが発生。
✅ インターネットの普及 → 企業や個人の情報発信が容易になり、世界中でつながる時代へ。
✅ 電子商取引(EC)の発展 → Amazon、楽天、Yahoo!ショッピングなどが普及し、ネットショッピングが一般化。
✅ ビジネスモデルの変革 → ITを活用した新たな産業(SNS、クラウドサービス、デジタル広告など)が台頭。
✅ 労働環境の変化 → ITの発展により、テレワークやフレックスタイム制が進み、新しい働き方が生まれた。
✅ ITが日常生活に溶け込んだ → スマホ・SNS・クラウドなど、もはや「革命」というより「当たり前の技術」に。
✅ ITバブルの崩壊 → 2000年代初頭、過剰投資による「ITバブル」が弾け、多くのIT企業が経営難に陥った。
✅ デジタルトランスフォーメーション(DX)への移行 → 近年は「IT革命」よりも、「DX(デジタル変革)」という言葉が使われるようになった。
✅ 「IT革命」は、1999~2000年ごろに日本で流行した言葉で、情報技術(IT)が経済・社会に与えた大きな変革を指す。
✅ 小渕恵三内閣がスローガンとして採用し、日本政府のIT推進政策とともに広まった。
✅ インターネットの普及、ECの発展、IT企業の成長など、ビジネスや生活に大きな影響を与えた。
✅ 2000年代後半以降、「IT革命」という言葉は使われなくなったが、デジタル社会の基盤を築いた重要な概念である。
The “IT Revolution” became a buzzword in Japan around 1999-2000, referring to the dramatic changes in the economy and society brought about by the development of information technology (IT).
The term became widely used in Japan after the Keizo Obuchi Cabinet (1998-2000) emphasized the importance of IT and promoted it by the government.
Background of the “IT Revolution” Craze
Global Development of IT
From the late 1990s to the early 2000s, the Internet spread, computers became more powerful, and cell phones evolved rapidly. In particular,
✅ The spread of personal computers (the appearance of Windows 95 was a major turning point)
✅ Increase in the number of Internet users (companies and individuals began to use the Internet in earnest)
✅ Evolution of cell phones, e-mail, and web services
✅ Rapid growth of IT companies (Microsoft, Google, Amazon, etc.)These changes have ushered in an era in which information technology is fundamentally changing business and daily life, leading to the use of the term “IT revolution.
The “IT Revolution” in Japan
In Japan at the time, the government was trying to make IT a pillar of economic growth.
✅ 1999 – Keizo Obuchi’s cabinet promoted the policy under the slogan “IT Revolution.
✅ 2000 – The “e-Japan Strategy” (Japan’s IT Strategy) was announced, promoting broadband penetration and e-government.
✅ Growth of IT companies – IT-related companies such as Softbank, Rakuten, and Livedoor grew rapidly, creating an IT bubble.Thus, expectations for the “IT Revolution” rose among governments, businesses, and the public, and the term became a buzzword.
Impact of the IT Revolution
The “IT Revolution” has drastically changed the way society and the economy work.
✅ The spread of the Internet ✅ Information dissemination by companies and individuals became easier, leading to an era of global connectivity.
✅ Development of electronic commerce (EC) → Internet shopping became common with the spread of Amazon, Rakuten, Yahoo!
✅ Transformation of business models → New IT-based industries (SNS, cloud services, digital advertising, etc.) emerge.
✅ Changes in the working environment → The development of IT has led to telework and flextime systems, creating new ways of working.Thus, the “IT Revolution” was a major transformation that affected all aspects of life and business.
The End of the “IT Revolution” Boom and Beyond
The term “IT Revolution” became popular around the year 2000, but has not been used much since the late 2000s. The reasons for this,
✅ IT has become integrated into daily life → Smartphones, SNS, cloud computing, etc. are no longer “revolutionary” but rather “commonplace technology.
✅ The IT bubble burst → In the early 2000s, the “IT bubble” caused by overinvestment burst, and many IT companies fell into financial difficulties.
✅ Transition to digital transformation (DX) → In recent years, the term “DX (digital transformation)” has come to be used rather than “IT revolution.However, the changes created by the “IT Revolution” are the foundation of today’s digital society, and their impact continues to this day.
✅ The “IT Revolution” was a term popular in Japan around 1999-2000, referring to the major changes that information technology (IT) has brought about in the economy and society.
✅ It was adopted as a slogan by the Keizo Obuchi cabinet and spread along with the Japanese government’s IT promotion policies.
✅ It has had a major impact on business and daily life, including the spread of the Internet, the development of e-commerce, and the growth of IT companies.
✅ Although the term “IT revolution” has fallen out of use since the late 2000s, it is an important concept that laid the foundation for the digital society.Although the term “IT revolution” has ceased to be a buzzword, its impact continues in today’s society and was an important turning point leading to the current digital transformation (DX).