きつねダンス(Fox dance)


「きつねダンス」とは、日本プロ野球の北海道日本ハムファイターズのチアリーディングチーム「ファイターズガールズ」が披露するダンスパフォーマンスです。このダンスは、フィンランドのコメディ音楽デュオ「Ylvis(イルヴィス)」の楽曲「The Fox (What Does the Fox Say?)」に合わせて行われ、試合中に観客を盛り上げるためのエンターテイメントとして人気を集めています。


楽曲「The Fox」

このダンスは、2013年にリリースされた楽曲「The Fox」に合わせて行われます。この曲は、キツネがどんな鳴き声を出すのかというコミカルな内容で、リズミカルでユーモラスな歌詞とビートが特徴です。ダンスでは、キツネを模した動きやジェスチャーが取り入れられています。







The “Fox Dance” is a dance performance performed by the Fighters Girls, the cheerleading team of the Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters, a Japanese professional baseball team. The dance is performed to the song “The Fox (What Does the Fox Say?)” by the Finnish comedy music duo Ylvis, and has become a popular entertainment to enliven the crowd during games.

Features of the Fox Dance
The song “The Fox”
This dance is performed to the song “The Fox” released in 2013. The song is a comical look at what a fox might sound like and features rhythmic and humorous lyrics and beats. The dance incorporates movements and gestures that mimic the fox.

The choreography is characterized by cute fox ears and tails, and incorporates many simple movements that the audience can dance along with. This choreography helps to create a sense of oneness with the audience.

Popularity among fans
The Kitsune Dance is extremely popular among fans and has created a great buzz not only in the stadium but also on social networking sites and YouTube. It is performed especially during halftime of games and after scores, and serves to further increase the enthusiasm of the fans.

Influence of the Fox Dance
This dance is widely recognized beyond baseball fans and has become a part of the team’s cheering culture. It has also contributed to the mobilization of spectators for the Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters and is attracting attention as a new way to enjoy the baseball stadium as an entertainment space.






  1. 時は金なり(Time is money)

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  6. 雨降って地固まる(It rains and the ground hardens)

  7. 鬼に金棒(Ogre with metal rod)

  8. 電気自動車=エコ?(Electric Vehicles = Eco?)

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