知らんけど(I don’t know)













I don’t know” is an expression that has become popular in recent years, especially among young people in Japan, and is a phrase commonly used in the Kansai region that has spread throughout the country. By adding “I don’t know” to the end of a statement, this phrase serves to give a nuance of mild reservation or avoidance of responsibility to the statement.

Usage and characteristics of “I don’t know
Supplementing opinions and conjectures
I don’t know” is used when you are not sure if your opinion or prediction is correct. It is meant to convey in advance that you are not sure, making it easier to evade responsibility if you are wrong. For example, it is used in the form of “It might rain tomorrow, I don’t know.

Adding humor or lightness
Adding “I don’t know,” even to a serious statement, makes the statement seem somewhat lighter and makes communication more casual and friendly. This is partly due to the background of the Kansai dialect’s unique sense of humor, which has spread throughout the country.

Avoidance of responsibility and self-defense
Using “I don’t know” when knowledge or information is ambiguous can indicate a stance of “I don’t take responsibility” if one’s statement is incorrect. This reflects today’s situation of abundance of ambiguous information and people’s tendency to avoid expressing strong opinions to others.

Background of the Trend
One of the reasons for the popularity of “I don’t know” is the spread of the Internet and social networking services (SNS), where information can be easily transmitted by anyone, but the senders themselves are often unsure of the accuracy of the information, and “I don’t know” has come to be used as a way to avoid responsibility. It is also suitable as a lighthearted flirtation or joke, and was favored by young people as an expression to lighten the mood of conversation.

As this expression became a buzzword, it was used more frequently in daily conversation and on social networking services, and has become a familiar phrase throughout Japan.







  1. 百聞は一見に如かず(Better to see once than a hundred words)

  2. 無くて七癖(Every man has seven habits)

  3. あと一歩の勇気(One more step of courage)

  4. 四面楚歌(Enemies all around us)

  5. 表情の選択(Choice of facial expression)

  6. 両手に花(Flanked by flowers)

  7. 悪事千里を走る(A bad deed runs a thousand miles)

  8. 政治家の仕事(Political work)

  9. 妖怪ウォッチ(Yokai watch)

  10. 国境を引く政治家(Politicians drawing borders)