骨太の方針(Firm policy)







小泉純一郎首相は、2001年に就任すると「聖域なき構造改革」を掲げ、財政健全化や規制緩和、行政改革を進めようとしました。このときに策定されたのが「骨太の方針 2001」です。




→ 「骨太の方針」は2001年以降、政府の経済財政諮問会議がまとめる経済政策の基本方針として毎年発表されるようになりました。


→ 政治や経済だけでなく、「骨太の議論」「骨太の政策」など、本質的でしっかりした考えを示す表現として定着しました。


→ 小泉政権時代は「改革・財政再建」が中心でしたが、その後の政権では社会保障や成長戦略など、政策の焦点が変化しています。

「骨太の方針」は、2001年に小泉純一郎内閣が発表した経済政策の基本方針を指し、以降毎年政府の重要な政策指針として使われるようになった。 「骨太」という言葉が象徴するように、表面的な政策ではなく、根本的な改革を目指す姿勢を示しており、政治や経済の世界で定着した表現となっている。

The term “Kotta-no-Koshi” refers to the basic economic policy announced by the Junichiro Koizumi Cabinet in 2001, and has since become the common name for the “Basic Policies for Economic and Fiscal Management and Reform” released annually by the government. The term was particularly emphasized during the Koizumi administration, and was selected as one of the top ten words in the “You-Can New Words and Trendy Words Awards” in 2001.

Meaning of the term “Basic Policy for Reform
The term “Kottai-no Motto” means a policy guideline for fundamental and essential reforms, not superficial measures. The Koizumi administration used this phrase with the goal of reviewing the government’s previous economic policies and pushing forward bold structural reforms.

Background of the “Framework for Economic Reforms
2001, Koizumi Administration and Structural Reform

When Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi took office in 2001, he set out to promote fiscal consolidation, deregulation, and administrative reform under the slogan of “structural reform without sanctuary. The “Kotta Policy 2001” was formulated at that time.

The “Kotta Policy 2001” was formulated at this time, and it outlined specific reform policies such as “accelerating the disposal of non-performing loans,” “tightening public finances,” and “privatization of the postal service.

The Impact of the “Framework for Economic Reforms” and Its Aftermath
The annual guideline for the government’s economic policy

→ Since 2001, the “Kenta-Kota Policy” has been announced annually as the basic policy for economic policy compiled by the government’s Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy.

Generalization of the term “KETSUTAI
→ The term “KETSUTAI” has become established not only for politics and economics, but also as an expression indicating essential and firm ideas, such as “KETSUTAI discussion” and “KETSUTAI policy”.

Change in content
→ During the Koizumi administration, the focus was on “reform and fiscal reconstruction,” but in subsequent administrations the policy focus has changed to include social security and growth strategies.

The “KETANDA Policy” refers to the basic economic policy announced by the Junichiro Koizumi cabinet in 2001, and has been used as an important government policy guideline every year since then. As symbolized by the term “big-boned,” it indicates a commitment to fundamental reform rather than superficial policies, and has become a well-established expression in the political and economic worlds.







  1. バカの壁(Stupid wall)

  2. フェイクニュース(Fake news)

  3. 棚から牡丹餅(Peony mochi from the shelf)

  4. 噓も方便(Lying is sometimes allowed)

  5. 地獄に仏(Buddha in hell)

  6. 赤子の手をひねる(Twist baby’s hand)

  7. 臭い物に蓋をする(Cover up stinky things)

  8. ブロードバンド(Broadband)

  9. アーバンベア(urban bear)

  10. 米百俵(100 bales of rice)