政治家の耳(Politician’s ear)












The expression “politicians are deaf with money” carries a critical connotation that politicians are ignoring the voices of the people and society due to profit and financial interests. This often refers to issues such as political corruption, fraud, and lobbying, and such expressions are used in the following situations, among others

Political Corruption
When politicians are involved in bribery or corruption, they may disregard the voice and justice of the people for financial gain. In these cases, there is concern that politicians may prioritize financial gain from individuals or corporations, distorting fair judgment and policy decisions. For example, financial interests may be involved in relaxing environmental regulations or promoting policies that favor large corporations.

Impact of Lobbying
Corporations and certain groups may lobby to exert influence over politicians. Lobbying itself may be legal, but sometimes large corporations and wealthy individuals use their financial power to exert undue influence on policy decisions, and the interests and voices of ordinary citizens are ignored. This leads to the image of “money to deaf ears”.

Election Financing Issues
Because electioneering requires large amounts of money, politicians may rely on large donors and risk advancing policies in favor of the donors’ interests. This can make it difficult for the voices of ordinary citizens to be heard. When a donor has influence over a politician, policies may be prioritized according to the wishes of that donor.

Conflicts of Interest and Policy Making
When a politician makes policy decisions based on personal interests or financial connections, this is another situation where “money talks your ear off”. For example, by receiving benefits from a particular industry or group, they may promote policies that favor that industry and consequently ignore the interests of the public as a whole.

The criticism that “politicians cover their ears with money” is directed at situations in which it is felt that a politician is ignoring fair judgment and the voice of the people because of financial gain or a particular interest. To avoid such problems, there is a need for greater transparency in politics and for monitoring and regulation to prevent corruption. Transparency of campaign financing and regulation of lobbying activities are also important factors in maintaining political fairness.








  1. 電気自動車=エコ?(Electric Vehicles = Eco?)

  2. 欲に目が眩む(Blinded by greed)

  3. 蛙化現象(Frogification)

  4. 棚から牡丹餅(Peony mochi from the shelf)

  5. 成功を支えるモノ(What Supports Success)

  6. エイジズム(Ageism)

  7. エンブレム(Emblem)

  8. 一攫千金(Seize a great opportunity at once)

  9. 縁の下の力持ち(Unsung hero)

  10. 国境を引く政治家(Politicians drawing borders)