政治家の仕事(Political work)





























景気刺激策: 経済成長を促進し、企業の収益や個人所得を増やすことで、自然と税収を増やすというアプローチも取られます。





The issue of politicians and tax increases is closely related to government fiscal management and social issues. Because tax increases directly affect people’s lives, politicians’ decisions to raise taxes are carefully considered, but they also often invite debate and criticism.

Background of Tax Increases
A tax increase is a measure taken by the government to increase national revenue (income). The government uses taxes as its main source of revenue to maintain and improve public services, infrastructure, and social security (pensions, medical care, unemployment measures, etc.). As budget deficits grow or economic and social conditions change, governments may need to increase tax revenues to keep their finances sound.

Main Purposes of Tax Increases
Elimination of fiscal deficits
If government expenditures significantly exceed revenues and the budget deficit continues to grow, it will lead to an increase in government bonds (government debt). In order to maintain future fiscal health, it may be necessary to eliminate the deficit by increasing taxes.

Enhancement of social security
In an aging society, costs for pensions and medical care will increase. Tax increases may be necessary to meet these social needs.

Maintenance and expansion of public services
Increased tax revenues may be required to fund services that support people’s lives, such as education, transportation, and infrastructure development.

Challenges when politicians decide to raise taxes

Public opposition and declining support
Tax increases are policies that require politicians to make very careful decisions because they increase the economic burden on the public. In particular, changes to the tax system that broadly affect the entire population, such as a consumption tax, can have a significant impact on the approval rating of the politician or political party that decides to raise taxes. This is because tax increases often lead to an increase in the cost of living and a decrease in consumption, which can be especially burdensome for lower-income groups.

Political Risks
Tax increases are an important policy issue for governing governments, and any politician or party that proposes a tax increase risks losing support in subsequent elections. Therefore, politicians need to provide sufficient explanations, alternative measures, and long-term benefits when proceeding with a tax hike.

Impact on the Economy
A tax hike risks cooling consumption and slowing economic growth. In particular, a consumption tax hike could have a negative impact on the overall economy by reducing consumers’ willingness to purchase. For this reason, politicians will carefully assess economic trends and timing to determine whether to proceed with a tax hike.

Disparity Issues
There is also a risk that tax increases could widen social disparities. For example, because the consumption tax is imposed uniformly regardless of income, the burden tends to be heavier on lower income groups. In contrast, progressive taxation (in which higher tax rates are imposed on those with higher incomes) places a burden on the wealthy, but proceeding with a tax increase may lead to stronger opposition from the wealthy and corporations.

Tax Increases and Government Accountability
Ensuring Transparency and Trust
In order for a tax increase to be justified, it is important that the government fully explain its necessity and how it will be used to gain the understanding and acceptance of the public. If there is a lack of transparency regarding how the government is using the tax revenues after the tax hike, public distrust will increase and criticism of politicians will intensify.

Public Dissatisfaction with Tax Hike
Whether or not the public accepts a tax increase depends on the government’s explanations and satisfactory policy implementation. For example, if it is explained that the consumption tax will be used to enhance social security, but the actual effect is not seen, public dissatisfaction will increase.

Alternatives to Tax Increases
When politicians seek to avoid raising taxes, alternatives are considered to secure other sources of revenue. These include the following methods.

Reducing wasteful spending
Reducing spending through increased government waste and efficiency can improve public finances and reduce the need for tax increases.
Stimulus: Another approach is to stimulate economic growth, which naturally increases tax revenues by increasing corporate profits and personal incomes.

Government Bond Issuance
Issuing government bonds to supplement public finances can be a temporary measure, but in the long run, there is a risk that the debt will grow and leave a burden on future generations.

For politicians, raising taxes is a difficult choice that entails public opposition and political risk, while at the same time assuming responsibility for the nation’s finances and economy. They must strike the right balance, explain to the public with transparency and accountability when tax increases are necessary, and manage finances from a long-term perspective while considering alternative measures. The fairness of tax increases and how the burden should be borne are also important issues that must be considered while taking into account the disparities and inequalities in society.








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