悪い円安(Bad Yen Weakness)














物価上昇と生活費の増加 輸入品の価格が上がると、食品、ガソリン、電気料金などの日常的な生活費が上昇します。特に、エネルギーや原材料の価格が上がることで、消費者は生活のあらゆる面で負担増を感じるようになります。














Bad yen depreciation” refers to a situation in which the value of the yen depreciates against other currencies (mainly the U.S. dollar and the euro), adversely affecting the economy. Although the yen’s depreciation is usually not generally considered a bad thing, as it favors export industries, under certain circumstances, a “bad yen depreciation” can have a detrimental effect on people’s lives and the economy as a whole.

What is a Weak Yen?
A “weak yen” refers to a situation in which the value of the yen declines and the yen has to be paid more against other currencies. For example, if the exchange rate changes from 100 yen to the dollar to 150 yen to the dollar, the relative value of the yen decreases and the yen weakens.

Causes of “Bad Yen Weakness
There are several causes of a “bad” yen depreciation:

Rising oil and resource prices
Since Japan is almost entirely dependent on imports for its energy resources, a weak yen increases the cost of importing oil and natural gas. This will spill over into transportation and production costs, ultimately causing prices to rise.

Differences in Monetary Policy
When the Bank of Japan (central bank) continues its low interest rate policy while other countries, especially the U.S., raise interest rates, investors move their money into currencies with higher interest rates. As a result, the yen sells off and depreciates.

Rise in import prices
As the yen weakens, prices of imported goods rise. Higher import costs for energy, food, industrial parts, etc., raise the prices of daily necessities and place a burden on the average consumer.

Effects of a “Bad Yen”
Higher Prices and Increased Living Expenses As prices of imported goods rise, daily living expenses such as food, gasoline, and electricity costs rise. In particular, consumers will feel an increased burden in all aspects of their lives as energy and raw material prices rise.

Increased Cost Burden on Businesses
Many Japanese companies, especially in the manufacturing industry, procure raw materials and parts from overseas. As import costs rise due to a weaker yen, corporate profits are squeezed and they may be forced to pass on the higher costs to consumers in the form of higher prices. This results in higher consumer prices.

Decline in real wages
When wages do not keep pace with the rise in prices, real wages (the value of wages after taking cost of living into account) will fall. This will reduce the purchasing power of consumers and slow down their consumption activities.

Current account deficit
A weaker yen is inherently supportive of export industries and is a positive factor for exporters, as it makes it more advantageous to sell products overseas. However, in many cases, Japan’s export industries have relocated their manufacturing bases overseas, limiting the benefits of increased exports due to a weaker yen, which can lead to a “current account deficit” where import costs exceed export growth.

Countermeasures and Discussion
The government and the Bank of Japan consider policy responses when the yen’s depreciation adversely affects the economy, but their approach is controversial.

Adjusting Monetary Policy
The Bank may consider raising interest rates or other monetary policy measures to curb the yen’s depreciation, but raising interest rates too much risks cooling the domestic economy.

Reducing Import Dependence
One solution to mitigate the impact of a weak yen is to reduce dependence on imports by increasing domestic production capacity. Increasing energy self-sufficiency and promoting the use of renewable energy sources may help address rising energy costs.

A “bad yen” is a phenomenon that negatively impacts the economy through increased import costs and higher prices. In particular, increases in energy and food prices put pressure on people’s lives and strain corporate activities. Although a weak yen itself is not necessarily a bad thing, the effects of a “bad yen” can be strongly felt in the current situation where the benefits of exports are minimal. Appropriate economic policies and structural improvements are therefore required.







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