ぼったくり男爵(Rip-off baron)
















BOTTAKURI DANSHAKU” is a critical term used in the sports business and international sporting events, especially in relation to the Olympic Games, to refer to persons or organizations that are criticized for their profit-seeking and opaque use of funds. The term was originally used primarily in the context of criticizing high-ranking officials of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and businessmen involved in its activities.

Etymology and Background
The word “botakuri” is used in Japanese to mean “to charge an unreasonably high price. Baron” is one of the titles of nobility, but here it is used ironically to refer to a ‘powerful person’ or ”person of high rank. Therefore, the term “baron rip-off” refers to “a person who has power but pursues profits unfairly.

Specific Usage
This expression is used especially in the following situations

Untruthful costs in the Olympics or large international sporting events
It is often a problem that the host city of the Olympic Games bears a large amount of costs while high-ranking IOC officials and others involved receive a large amount of profits. Critics argue that this is due to the imbalance between the inflated costs of stadium construction and operation, which place a large financial burden on the host country, while the IOC and its affiliated organizations make huge profits.

High Fees and Expenses
The lavish treatment and high compensation received by high-ranking IOC officials and related parties is sometimes called into question. This has been criticized as a “rip-off,” and can lead to strong opposition from residents and the media, especially when the Olympics are held in countries or cities that are experiencing economic difficulties.

Commercialization of the Olympics
The Olympic Games originally emphasized “amateurism” and “sportsmanship,” but in recent years, commercialism has intensified, and television broadcasting rights and sponsorship contracts have become major sources of revenue. In the midst of this commercialization, moves to maximize profits are sometimes criticized as “rip-offs.

Specific examples of the expression “rip-off baron”
The term is sometimes used specifically against Thomas Bach, who was the president of the IOC. The media and the public have criticized the IOC under his leadership for placing a huge financial burden on Japan and other Olympic host cities. For example, the decision to postpone or hold the 2021 Tokyo Olympics without spectators due to the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in additional costs. On the other hand, the IOC made huge profits from TV broadcasting rights and sponsorship contracts, which led to increased criticism of the IOC as a “rip-off baron.

The term “rip-off baron” is a critical term for IOC officials and related businessmen who pursue excessive profits at large-scale sporting events such as the Olympics. In particular, the term is used to criticize situations in which the host city or country is forced to bear a large burden and financial risk, while the organizers reap large profits.







  1. 人口爆発(Population explosion)

  2. 十人十色(Everyone is different)

  3. 事業仕分け(Business sorting)

  4. 政治家の仕事(Political work)

  5. 覆水盆に返らず(It is no use crying over spilt milk)

  6. 歴女(Female history buff)

  7. 鯉の滝登り(Carp climbing a waterfall)

  8. 猫の手も借りたい(Seek the cat’s help)

  9. 論より証拠(Evidence over theory)

  10. バカの壁(Stupid wall)