一票の格差(Vote disparity)

























The term “vote disparity” refers to the problem of regional differences in the value (weight) of each voter’s vote in an election. Specifically, it means that the influence of “one vote” held by a voter in one electoral district is lighter or heavier than that in another electoral district. In Japan, this disparity tends to occur especially in elections for members of the Diet (House of Representatives and House of Councillors), and the situation where “the value of one vote is greater in areas with smaller populations” is seen as a problem.

Causes of Vote Disparity
Vote disparity arises from regional differences in population and voter turnout. For example, if constituency A has one seat for every 100,000 voters, while constituency B has one seat for every 50,000 voters, the vote of a voter in constituency B will carry twice the weight of one in constituency A. These disparities arise from the following factors

Electoral district delineation: In Japan, electoral districts are set up on a prefectural or regional basis, and the number of districts is not easily changed in the event of population changes. Therefore, as the population of an urban area increases, the value of a vote in that area decreases.

Difference in population density: Since population density differs greatly between urban and rural areas, when the number of seats is equally distributed, the weight of a vote in a populous urban area is relatively lower, while the weight in a rural area increases.

The Problem of “Vote Disparity
Vote disparity is viewed as a problem because it violates the “principle of equal election ”** guaranteed by the Constitution. Article 14 of the Japanese Constitution stipulates “equality under the law,” and Article 44 guarantees equality in elections. Therefore, different values of votes according to population ratios are considered to be contrary to the Constitution, and may be judged as “unconstitutional” or “unconstitutional status” by the Supreme Court.

It has also been pointed out that since the value of a vote is higher in districts with relatively small numbers of legislators, policies are biased toward rural areas with smaller populations, which is another factor that creates a sense of unfairness with urban residents.

Court Decisions and “Unconstitutional Status
The Supreme Court of Japan judges “vote disparity” in each election. When the disparity becomes large, the Supreme Court determines that it is “unconstitutional” and asks the Diet to review the electoral system. Specifically, a vote disparity of two times or more is often considered unconstitutional. There have been numerous instances of “unconstitutionality” or “unconstitutional status,” and the Diet has frequently debated ways to correct the situation.

Efforts to Correct the Vote Disparity
The following measures are being taken in Japan to eliminate “vote disparity.

Review of electoral districts: The disparity is reduced by changing electoral districts in accordance with population changes and adding seats in areas with large populations. This allows each prefecture to be reviewed and the disparity is significantly reduced.

Introduction of the “Adams Method”: The 2016 amendment to the Public Offices Election Law introduced the “Adams Method,” in which seats are allocated in proportion to population. This is intended to reduce disparities by allocating seats in proportion to population.

Reducing the number of seats: By reducing the number of seats in some electoral districts and allocating them to other areas, the disparities are being corrected. Particularly in the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors, efforts have been made in the past to reduce the disparity by reducing the number of seats.

Difficulties in Completely Eliminating “Vote Disparity
The disparity in the number of votes has not been completely eliminated despite institutional efforts. This is due to the fact that while there are population fluctuations among regions, the representativeness of each prefecture and region must also be taken into consideration. In addition, because different policy needs exist in rural and urban areas, determining the number of seats based solely on population ratios may make it difficult to reflect the opinions of rural areas.

Vote disparity” is an important issue in Japan’s electoral system, one that concerns the principle of constitutional equality and the fairness of democracy. If the Supreme Court determines that it is unconstitutional, the Diet is obligated to take action to correct it, and actions such as reviewing electoral districts and introducing the Adam’s system are being taken. However, since the characteristics of the population and regions make it difficult to completely eliminate the problem, it is believed that adjustments to the system and the pursuit of fairness will continue in the future.








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