悪事千里を走る(A bad deed runs a thousand miles)



















The proverb “A bad deed runs a thousand miles” means that bad deeds quickly become known to people and their reputations easily spread. It shows how people’s attention is easily drawn to bad rumors and scandals, and how quickly they spread over a wide area. It is also a reminder that one should refrain from doing bad things, as they are sure to be noticed and spread.

Origin and Background
The background of this proverb lies in the instinctive nature of human beings. Because evil deeds and injustices tend to attract interest, people tend to spread rumors from mouth to mouth. In ancient times and the Middle Ages, when the means of information transmission was not as advanced as it is today, such evil tended to be talked about and spread rapidly. The expression “a thousand miles” is a metaphor for reaching very far, referring to the instantaneous spread of a reputation regardless of geographical size.

Application in Modern Times
Even today, “A bad deed runs a thousand miles” applies in many situations. In particular, with the spread of social networking and the Internet, bad deeds and scandals are transmitted faster and more widely than ever before.

Specific examples and situations where it is used
Corporate or political scandals
When a company or a prominent figure is involved in a scandal or fraud, it is quickly spread through the news and social networking sites. This is a true example of “A bad deed runs a thousand miles” as trust in a company is lost or a politician is forced to resign.

Bad rumors in daily life
When someone in a small community (e.g., at work or school) behaves in a problematic manner, word spreads quickly. This proverb is realized in everyday life as well, especially since bad publicity is easy to hear.

Flames on the Internet
Cases in which some problematic statement or action on a social networking service or bulletin board goes “up in flames” and is known by many people also go through this proverb. The bad thing or gaffe becomes known quickly and often causes a major uproar.

Similar expressions
Similar expressions to “aA bad deed runs a thousand miles” include “bad money drives out good money” and “bad publicity can cost you a thousand dollars. These also refer to “bad deeds spreading easily” and “bad rumors having a negative impact on society,” and warn of the ease with which bad deeds can be transmitted and the magnitude of their impact.

Lesson Learned
The lesson of “A bad deed runs a thousand miles” is that one’s bad deeds will always be known by others and that one should be vigilant in one’s daily life. If we do evil deeds in the pursuit of immediate profit or temptation, bad publicity will surely spread, and we will pay a heavy price later on. While good deeds are not easily recognized, bad deeds spread instantly, indicating the need for careful behavior in daily life.

“A bad deed runs a thousand miles” is a proverb meaning that bad deeds and reputations spread quickly, reflecting the fact that people are particularly sensitive to bad deeds. This proverb has been used in many situations from ancient times to the present day as an expression that teaches the importance of taking responsibility for one’s actions and their impact on others.









  1. 教養の大切さ(Importance of education)

  2. ネットカフェ難民(Internet cafe refugee)

  3. 心の充電(Recharging the mind)

  4. 悪い円安(Bad Yen Weakness)

  5. アマビエ(Amabie)

  6. 政治家の仕事(Political work)

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  8. 所得格差(Income difference)

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  10. リベンジ(Revenge)