泣きっ面に蜂(Bee stings while crying)



















The proverb “nakitsutsura ni hachi” (“Bee stings while crying”) means that bad luck or misfortune will compound to make things even worse. It conjures up a scene in which a person who is already in a sad or painful situation that makes him or her cry is further stung by a bee, and represents a situation in which not only one bad luck but even worse things continue to happen.

Origin and Background
This proverb is a metaphor for the bad luck of being stung by more bees in a crying situation. When you are crying, you are in a state of mental weakness, and when an event occurs that follows such a situation, it implies that the wounds will deepen even more.

Since bees are painful when they sting and, moreover, contain venom, the actual sting is disastrous, emphasizing the further suffering of a person who is already in a difficult situation.

Usage Examples and Modern Usage
Crying bees” is often used in the following situations

When unexpected bad events follow.
For example, when a person is reprimanded more severely by his/her boss after making a major mistake at work, or when a person falls and gets injured after dropping his/her wallet. The expression “It’s a crying shame,” indicates that you are hit by a series of bad luck.

When the damage is compounded by a disaster or accident
For example, this is the case when a new disaster occurs immediately after the damage caused by a natural disaster. The expression “a bee on the tear” can be used to describe a further blow to an already damaged situation.

Expression of psychological follow-up
It is also used in cases where psychological pain is compounded immediately after a broken heart, such as when a friend speaks to you in an even more heartbreaking manner. The term “crying bee” is used in the sense that a person who is already in a sad state is dealt a further blow.

Similar expressions
Similar expressions to “weepy bee” include the phrases “weak eyes are possessed” and “tread on them”. Weakness is cursed” means that more bad luck will befall you when you are already weak, while ‘tread on it’ emphasizes that more than one calamity or bad luck will follow.

Lesson learned.
The “crying wolf” includes the importance of being prepared to endure even adversity, as bad luck can compound. It also implies the need to avoid actions and statements that drive people to the brink, and to have empathy and consideration for others. When someone is facing difficulties, the proverb teaches us the importance of not trying to push them away, but rather to support and encourage them.

The saying, “Crying wolf,” describes how bad things continue to get worse when you are already suffering from bad luck. This phrase contains a lesson about the importance of perseverance in difficult situations and the need to be considerate of others. This expression teaches us that it is important to have a calm attitude to deal with bad luck.









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