どんぐりの背比べ(Compare acorn height)


















Compare acorn height. It compares people and things of similar ability and size competing over a small difference to acorns comparing just a little bit in height. This expression contains the nuance of “they are all much the same, and it is difficult to determine their superiority or inferiority.

Origin and Background
Acorns are all similar in shape and size. Even when compared side by side, there is no significant difference in height or shape between acorns, and it appears meaningless as a “Compare acorn height”. This situation was compared to people or things fighting over trivial differences, and the expression came to mean “to try to force a superiority or inferiority even though there is no great difference.

Examples of Modern Usage
Acorn back comparison” is used when one tries to forcibly compare people or things, especially those with similar abilities or conditions.

Comparing abilities in sports or academics
For example, when two teams or athletes at similar levels are competing against each other, the phrase is used to say, “They are like acorns on a mole’s back; there is not much difference between them.

Internal performance and evaluation
When colleagues or members of the same department are achieving similar results, the phrase “They are all like acorns on a mole’s back, not much difference between them” is used to describe evaluations and achievements that are not very different.

Situations that obsess over comparisons with others
When people in the same class or group try to compare their performance or ability with others with little difference, it can be used to point out unnecessary competition or vanity by comparing them to “acorns on a mole’s back”.

Similar expressions
The phrases “50-50” and “side by side” are sometimes used in a similar way to “comparing the backs of acorns,” and also refer to comparing two things that are not very different from each other. The expression “big difference” is also used in the sense that there are small differences but not big differences.

Lesson learned
Compare acorn height” expresses the pointlessness of obsessing over small differences and the importance of looking at things objectively, as they are all similar. It teaches us that when assessing the intrinsic value of things, it is necessary to look at the whole objectively, rather than focusing on the smallest differences.

The phrase “acorns on acorns” is a proverb that describes a competition between people who do not differ greatly from each other. This expression teaches us the importance of not being obsessed with small differences, but rather of being willing to see the essence of the matter, and the significance of not spending time on useless comparisons.









  1. ベッカム様(Mr. Beckham)

  2. 塵も積もれば山となる(Dust makes a mountain)

  3. 鯉の滝登り(Carp climbing a waterfall)

  4. いい質問ですねぇ!(That’s a good question!)

  5. 教養の大切さ(Importance of education)

  6. 主観と客観(Subjective and Objective)

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  9. SEALDs

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