花より団子(Dumplings over flowers)



















Hana yori dango (dumplings over flowers)” is a proverb meaning to give priority to what is actually useful or practical over what is beautiful or good-looking. It expresses the value that an edible dango is more practical and satisfying than enjoying a beautiful flower. This proverb expresses the value of practicality and pragmatism.

Origin and Background
The origin of “dumplings over flowers” comes from the Japanese custom of “hanami” (cherry blossom viewing). In the days when cherry blossom viewing was popular, people held banquets under the cherry blossoms and enjoyed dumplings and sake. The original purpose of hanami was to enjoy the beauty of cherry blossoms, but the fact that many of the participants were more absorbed in food such as dumplings and sake than in flowers led to the expression “dumplings over flowers”.

Flowers, while temporarily beautiful, do not bring direct satisfaction like food does. While dumplings satisfy hunger and have practical value, flowers are only to be seen and have little practical effect, and so the phrase became symbolic of the idea of “pragmatism.

Examples of Modern Usage
The phrase “dumplings over flowers” is widely used as an attitude of choosing practical and useful things over beauty and vanity.

economic values and priorities in life.
For example, “dango over flowers” is used in situations where people choose to spend money on necessities of life rather than on extravagant decorations and designs. It carries the connotation of “spending money on necessities rather than on vanity.”

Emphasis on practicality in work and study
The “dumplings over flowers” concept is applied when emphasizing practical skills and qualifications. For example, it can be used in situations where the emphasis is on useful content rather than on making materials that look good.

Present and gift selection
The “dango over flowers” mentality is also expressed when choosing practical items over extravagant decorations for birthdays and events. It is sometimes used as “let’s choose practicality over pomp and circumstance,” especially in situations where practicality and long-lasting usefulness are important.

Similar expressions
Words such as “pragmatism” and “pragmatism” also refer to values similar to those of “dumplings over flowers. The phrase “bone-dry, tiring profit” also expresses the futility of focusing only on appearances and shares the viewpoint of emphasizing practical value.

Lesson Learned
The phrase “dumplings before flowers” teaches us to choose what is practical and useful, rather than what looks or appears to be. While it is sometimes easy to be seduced by something eye-catching and beautiful, it suggests that in situations where practical choices need to be made, it is wiser to prioritize the practicality of things.

The proverb “dumplings over flowers” expresses the idea of choosing what is practical and useful over what is beautiful and presentable. This expression applies to situations in life and work where practical and pragmatic choices are required. It is a lesson in calmly assessing the value of things, and teaches the importance of being willing to choose what is truly valuable, rather than being distracted by glamour and appearances.









  1. 化けの皮を剝がす(Peel off the disguise)

  2. 寝耳に水(Water is sprayed on you while you sleep)

  3. 海老で鯛を釣る(Throw in a shrimp and pull out a whale)

  4. 居眠り国会(Dozing Diet member)

  5. グ~!(G~!)

  6. 一億総活躍社会(A society in which all 100 million people can play an active role)

  7. 官僚を代弁する政治家(Politicians speaking for the bureaucracy)

  8. 良薬は口に苦し(Good medicine tastes bitter)

  9. 井の中の蛙大海を知らず(A frog in a well does not know the ocean)

  10. 大山鳴動して鼠一匹(A big mountain shook and one rat came out)