百聞は一見に如かず(Better to see once than a hundred words)



















Better to see once than a hundred words” is a proverb meaning that it is better to actually see something once than to listen to it many times to understand it better. In other words, it teaches that no matter how many stories or rumors you hear from others, it is not enough to fully understand the truth, and that you can only understand the truth by actually experiencing or seeing the actual thing.

Origin and Background
The phrase “seeing is believing” is said to have its origin in a description in the Chinese classic “The Book of Han,” which came to Japan and is widely used in daily life. The number “hundred” is an expression meaning “a great many,” and it has the figurative meaning that there is no need to actually hear it a hundred times.

Also behind this proverb is the idea that the power of understanding through sight and experience is far greater than mere verbal explanation. In particular, because seeing allows us to visualize things concretely, it often conveys details and sensations that are difficult to convey through words alone, thus emphasizing the “value of actually seeing”.

Examples of modern use
Seeing is believing” is used to explain matters that are difficult to understand or to emphasize the importance of actually experiencing something.

Travel and Tourism
Even if someone tells you how wonderful a destination is, you can only appreciate the scenery and culture by actually visiting the place, so “seeing is believing” is used to encourage people to experience it for themselves.

Explaining a new technology or product
For example, it is difficult to understand the appeal of a new product or technology just by hearing about it, and seeing a demonstration or trying it out will give you a better understanding of the product’s merits and performance.

Educational and learning situations
In school classes and training programs, the expression “seeing is believing” is used to express the fact that hands-on experience is more effective for learning than simply listening to explanations. Especially in science and practical subjects, it is believed that seeing and experimenting will deepen understanding.

Similar expressions
There are also similar expressions such as “seeing is believing” and “hearing is seeing. Also, “proof is better than an argument” has a similar meaning, meaning that actual evidence and experience are more effective than verbal explanations alone.

Lesson Learned
Seeing is believing” teaches the importance of confirming and experiencing things for oneself, rather than relying on stories and rumors. Especially in this day and age of information and opinions, it is important not to assume that you understand something just because you have seen or heard it, but to actually visit the place and verify it for yourself.

Seeing is believing” is a saying that tells us that actually seeing is more important for understanding than repeatedly hearing. This phrase indicates the importance of not being influenced by what others say, but experiencing things for oneself and seeing them with one’s own eyes.







  1. 金<健康(Money < Health)

  2. スマイリングシンデレラ(Smiling Cinderella)

  3. 光陰矢の如し(Time flies like an arrow)

  4. 老老介護(Elderly caring for the elderly)

  5. 言わぬが花(It’s better not to say)

  6. きつねダンス(Fox dance)

  7. 泣きっ面に蜂(Bee stings while crying)

  8. 税金の使い道(How tax is used)

  9. 時は金なり(Time is money)

  10. ビフォーアフター(Before and after)