大山鳴動して鼠一匹(A big mountain shook and one rat came out)



















Taizan meidotte datsudo nezumi ichibiki” is a proverb meaning that a great deal of fuss and high expectations actually result in only small or trivial results. It represents the image of “A big mountain shook and one rat came out, but all that came out was a single rat. This proverb is an expression likening a situation in which actual results or outcomes are disappointing or exaggerations come up empty.

Origin and Background
The expression “A big mountain shook and one rat came out” is derived from a poem by the Roman poet Horatius. In his poem, he describes how a huge mountain was about to collapse with a rumbling sound, but only a small mouse came out of the mountain.

This expression describes a situation seen in both East and West, where “a great commotion ends in a small result,” and is used ironically when the outcome of a thing is far from what is expected. The greater the fuss and expectations, the greater the falloff when it ends in small results, and the word emphasizes the sense of disappointment and ridiculousness that comes from it.

Examples of modern usage
Daisen mewudo to nezumi ichimichi” is used in situations where high expectations and preparations have come up empty, and the results are actually small.

Disappointing announcements in business or politics
When a major publicity or press conference is held, but the features of the new product are below expectations or the policy is inadequate, it is expressed as “Daisen meowudo shite no netsu ichimichi”.

Entertainment such as movies and dramas
When a movie or drama that has been highly anticipated is actually seen and the content is mediocre or the story is stale, the expression “Daisen meigoto shite no nigiritachi” is used to express a sense of disappointment.

Personal activities and events
It is also used when the actual content of an event falls short of expectations in spite of extensive preparation and publicity. For example, this expression can be used to express the reality of a project that was prepared extensively but ended up with trivial results.

Similar expressions
The expressions “disappointing” and “big talk” have similar meanings. Words such as “hari-ko no tiger” and “sansho wa kobo ko kiriri spicy” can also be used to emphasize the reality of things or the difference from expectations.

Lesson Learned
Daisen meow to nezumi ichiritai” (The mountain rumbles and the mouse swallows one) contains the lesson that exaggerated preparations and expectations do not always lead to good results. It also indicates that one should be careful not to over-expect or exaggerate, as the actual results often do not meet expectations.

Daisen mewuru to nezumi ichimichi” is a proverb that refers to high expectations and uproar with small and disappointing actual results. This expression is used ironically to describe a situation in which expectations and results are far apart, or in which the results obtained after a great deal of fuss are small. It indicates the importance of not being misled by excessive expectations and of looking at the realistic results and actual situation of things dispassionately.









  1. 急がば回れ(Haste makes speedy)

  2. ベッカム様(Mr. Beckham)

  3. 抵抗勢力(Resistance force)

  4. 猫の手も借りたい(Seek the cat’s help)

  5. 鯉の滝登り(Carp climbing a waterfall)

  6. 電気自動車=エコ?(Electric Vehicles = Eco?)

  7. 蛙化現象(Frogification)

  8. 愛はお金で買える?(Can money buy love?)

  9. スマイリングシンデレラ(Smiling Cinderella)

  10. インターネット(Internet)