寝耳に水(Water is sprayed on you while you sleep)



















Nemimi ni mizu” is a proverb that expresses surprise at a sudden or unexpected event. It is an image of a situation in which one is surprised as if water is suddenly poured on one’s head while one is sleeping, and expresses the surprise and confusion one feels when a major event occurs in a situation that one had not anticipated or prepared for.

Origin and Background
Nemimi ni mizu” is an old Japanese expression that has been used since the Edo period. It refers to being faced with a shocking event unexpectedly and unexpectedly in the absence of preparation or expectation, just as a sleeping person would be startled by the coldness and unexpectedness of a sudden splash of water. This has become a widely used metaphor that aptly describes how things can come upon you unexpectedly.

It is also used to symbolize how shocking unexpected news or events can be, since in reality it is difficult to be aware of one’s surroundings when one is asleep.

Examples of Modern Usage
Nemimi ni mizu” is used to express astonishment or confusion upon receiving surprising or unexpected news.

Sudden decisions in a company or organization
For example, “neimimi ni mizuizu” is used to describe a situation in which a sudden announcement of a personnel change, organizational change, or restructuring causes surprise and confusion among employees who were not expecting it at all.

Sudden personal news
It is also used when a person is surprised to hear that a relative or friend is suddenly getting married, moving, or changing jobs. Especially when there was no warning, “The news came as a shock to my ears” is used to express surprise.

Sudden social or public event
It is also used in situations where the public or residents are surprised or confused by an unexpected disaster or accident, or by a sudden amendment to a law or announcement of a policy. In such cases, it is used to emphasize that the situation has suddenly changed without warning.

Similar expressions
Bolt from the blue” and ‘bolt from the sky’ have similar meanings and refer to unexpected and surprising events. Surprise” and ‘sudden news’ are also words used to describe situations similar to ”neimi no mizuwari.

Lesson Learned
Neimimi ni mizu” teaches us the importance of being prepared, because we never know when something will happen. Of course, we cannot predict all events, but it shows us that it is important to have a calm attitude and flexibility to deal with unpredictable situations.

Nemimi ni mizu” is a proverb that expresses surprise at unexpected and sudden news or events. This expression refers to being confronted with an unexpected situation for which one has no prior expectation or preparation. This expression indicates the importance of being prepared for unexpected events in daily life and in society, and of being prepared to deal with them calmly.







  1. 西暦2000年問題(Year 2000 problem)

  2. 米百俵(100 bales of rice)

  3. 玉石混交(Mixture of stones and jewels)

  4. 居眠り国会(Dozing Diet member)

  5. 一億総活躍社会(A society in which all 100 million people can play an active role)

  6. 今でしょ!(It’s now!)

  7. ダメよ~ダメダメ(No – no, no, no, no, no.)

  8. 塵も積もれば山となる(Dust makes a mountain)

  9. SEALDs

  10. 本の終末(End of book)