仏の顔も三度(A Buddha only forgives three times)

















The proverb “Hotoke-no-Kamo-sando” means, “Even the most generous and gentle person will eventually show his anger if he is repeatedly rude or disrespectful. This expression implies the lesson that repeated rudeness should be avoided.

Background of the Proverb
The Buddha is generally thought of as a compassionate and gentle being who forgives others and shows no anger. However, even such a Buddha can become angry if he is mistreated repeatedly, giving rise to the expression, “A Buddha only forgives three times. In other words, it means that even the Buddha, the symbol of mercy, can forgive three times, but not a fourth time, indicating that there is a limit to the extent of excessive behavior.

How this expression is used
The phrase “A Buddha only forgives three times” is used in the following situations.

When conveying that there is a limit to one’s generosity:
When the other person takes too much advantage of the kindness of others or makes the same mistake over and over again, it is used as an admonition, “Even the Buddha’s face is three times as big as your face. This is to let the other person know that there are limits to other people’s kindness and forgiveness.

When telling someone that they should refrain from repeated rudeness or disrespect:
Especially in human relationships, “A Buddha only forgives three times” is used as a warning to those who repeatedly act rudely or disrespectfully toward the other person. For example, it is used in situations to warn people who hurt others with the same behavior, saying, “You’d better cut it out or you’ll have to face the Buddha three times.

As an explanation for when someone who is not easily angered becomes angry:
When a normally calm and non-angry person becomes angry after being repeatedly disrespectful, it is sometimes used in a way that surprises those around him or her: “Buddha’s face is also three times as good as his face. This is used in the sense of “there is a good reason for that person to be angry.

Similar expressions
Endure,” meaning that one’s patience has reached its limit and one’s anger is finally exploding.
Water, too, when it drips, pierces a stone”: describes a repeated act that has an effect beyond its limits, but this one is different from the limit of patience, expressing the effects of accumulation.

The proverb “Buddha’s face is three times as good as his face” points out the danger of over-indulging in the generosity of others or repeating the same mistake over and over again. Just as even the benevolent Buddha has limits, there are limits to the kindness and forgiveness of others, and the proverb is meant to warn us not to continue to take advantage of them. This proverb teaches us the importance of being courteous in our relationships and not relying too much on the generosity of others.







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