無くて七癖(Every man has seven habits)



















The saying “Much ado about nothing, seven habits” means that “every person has more or less habits, and there is no one who is completely free of habits. It indicates that no matter how little individuality a person may appear to have or how ordinary he or she may be, there is always some habit or characteristic behavior.

Background of this Proverb
This proverb is based on the Japanese observation of people, and indicates that all people have habits, consciously or unconsciously. The number “shichi-habits” is not a specific number, but an expression meaning “some” or “not a few,” and is used to indicate that every person is endowed with habits and customs. It uses the word “habit” in a broader sense that includes individuality of character, behavior, and habits.

How this expression is used
The phrase “no habit, seven habits” is used in the following situations

When one tolerates and accepts the habits and characteristics of others:
It is used when noticing the habits of others and accepting the minor flaws and peculiar habits of those around you. By saying, “It’s a habit,” the expression implies an acceptance that everyone has a habit and a willingness to tolerate the minor quirks of others.

When trying not to be overly concerned about one’s own quirks:
It is also used to encourage people who are troubled by their own quirks or minor faults, saying, “Don’t worry about it because it’s a seven-fold quirk. This means, “Everyone has them, so don’t worry about your quirks more than necessary.

When emphasizing that no one is perfect:
It is also used to acknowledge that everyone has some quirks or personality traits and that no one is perfect. It is used to show respect for each other’s diversity, for example, “I don’t have any quirks, I have seven quirks, and everyone has some quirks.

Similar expressions
Jyunin Jyunin” (ten different people): This term refers to the fact that each person has a different personality and way of thinking, and emphasizes the diversity of the individual.
Humanity”: This term is used to describe the human side of a person, such as their personality and habits, which are not perfect.

The saying “no one is without his seven habits” indicates that every person has unique habits and personality, and that no one is completely habit-free. The saying also encourages us to accept the quirks of others and not to be overly concerned about our own quirks. The expression teaches us the importance of understanding and accepting each other on the premise that we are all unique in some way.







  1. 子供の未来は無限大(The child’s future is limitless)

  2. 鬼が笑う(Ogre laughs)

  3. 二階から目薬(Eye drops from the second floor)

  4. 今でしょ!(It’s now!)

  5. 骨太の方針(Firm policy)

  6. ドローン(Drone)

  7. いいね!中毒(Like! Addiction)

  8. 苦しい時の神頼み(Rely on God in times of distress)

  9. ワンコインランチの量(One-Coin Lunch Quantity)

  10. 顔に泥を塗る(Smear mud on the face)