猫の手も借りたい(Seek the cat’s help)






















Neko no te meshimete” is a proverb meaning, ”Seek the cat’s help, even a useless cat-like hand. This expression expresses a situation in which a person is so busy that he/she needs help anyway, and would appreciate it if he/she could get a little help.

Background of the Proverb
Cats are generally symbolic of animals that are free spirits and are not expected to work or perform useful actions. Cats are rarely useful to humans in agricultural work or artisanal work. To say that even such a cat needs help is an exaggeration that expresses how busy they are or how short-staffed they are.

This term has long been used in Japanese rural communities and workplaces to indicate a situation in which there is no room to spare, such as during a busy season or when a deadline is approaching. When work is busy, it expresses an earnest feeling that even a normally unhelpful or irrelevant entity would be helpful if it could offer even a small amount of labor.

How this expression is used
Neko no te meshimetai desu” is used in the following situations.

When expressing extreme busyness:
It is used to convey a state of being extremely busy with a lot of work or tasks. For example, by saying, “I am so busy today that I want to borrow a cat’s hand,” you are expressing the feeling that you are really busy and have no time to spare.

When complaining about lack of manpower:
It is also used when there is a shortage of manpower for a task or event preparation. For example, “We are so busy that we need all the help we can get,” and then ask for help from others.

When asking for help:
When you want to ask for help from anyone, you can use this phrase to ask for someone’s cooperation by saying, “I wish I could borrow a cat’s hand. For example, this expression is often used in busy restaurants or at events to convey a lack of staff.

Neko no te de mukete mukete” is a somewhat humorous way of expressing a busy situation and is meant to exaggerate the busyness of the situation, but it does not necessarily have to be tragic. Therefore, it is an expression that is easy to use in casual situations.

Similar expressions
Hand shortage”: expresses a lack of necessary manpower. It is used when you want to express a specific shortage.
Tentekomai”: This expression expresses a busy and confused state, and like ‘Neko no te de mukete mukete’, it indicates a very busy state.

Neko no te mo mo yakitai” is a proverb that expresses extreme busyness or a lack of manpower, and conveys the feeling of being so busy that even a cat’s hand, which is usually useless, is needed to help. While emphasizing busyness, it has a slightly humorous ring to it and is used to convey a situation of being “short-staffed” in everyday life and in work situations.







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