頭隠して尻隠さず(Hide your head, don’t hide your butt)





































The phrase “hide your head and not your hips” is a proverb that describes a situation in which a person hides only one part of his or her head and pretends to be hiding the whole of his or her body. It is used when a person thinks he or she is hiding something, but other parts of the body are exposed and the whole picture is visible to those around him or her.
In many cases, it describes a situation where a person tries to hide a flaw or mistake, but the opposite happens and it becomes conspicuous.

Origin of the word
The proverb is said to have its origin in the behavior of birds and animals. One theory is that it originated from the behavior of ostriches and other small animals that hide only their heads when they feel in danger, a behavior that looks funny to the human eye. However, since few animals actually engage in this behavior, it has come to be used as a figurative expression.

The structure of “head hidden, buttocks uncovered” is accompanied by a rhythmic sense of Japanese wordplay and has a humorous nuance.

Details of Meaning
The meaninglessness of partial concealmen
It teaches that even if you hide a part, you cannot hide the whole. In particular, it contains the irony that even if you think you have “hidden” something, everything is visible to those around you.

Shallowness of deception
Refers to a case in which one tries to hide a fault or wrongdoing, but the way one hides it is incomplete and instead makes it stand out.

Lack of objectivity toward oneself
Describes a situation in which a person believes he or she has been able to hide something, but a third party sees through it.

Examples of usage
Daily life

I tried to cover up the fact that I didn’t do my homework, but the teacher saw right through me. It’s like hiding one’s head and not the other way around.
I made excuses on social networking sites, but now that my past posts have been exposed, it’s embarrassing. You can’t hide your head and hide your ass.”

Work situations
“You tried to hide the mistake in the report, but it will come out later, so it’s better to be honest from the beginning. It’s better to be honest from the beginning.

Social cases
A company that had been found to be dishonest tried to get away with it by making only partial corrections, but in the end the truth came to light and the company lost credibility. You can’t hide your head and hide your ass.”

Lesson learned
Partial deception is meaningless.

It teaches that hiding only a part of the story does not cover up the whole story; in fact, it has the opposite effect.

The Importance of Honesty
Honest admission of faults and mistakes, without trying to hide them, is a shortcut to gaining trust as a result.

Self-awareness and objectivity
It is important to consider how one’s actions and words appear to others. You need to be aware that even if you think you are hiding something, they will see right through you.

Similar expressions
Reveal”: succinctly describes an attempt to hide something, but it is obvious.
Dig your own grave”: to put yourself at a disadvantage by trying to hide or deceive.
To turn tail: to bring to the surface something that has been concealed or lied about.

Contemporary Interpretation and Application
Lessons from the social networking and digital age

In social networking sites, even if some information is deleted, it is often not easily hidden due to screenshots and caches that remain. In today’s world, “hide your head and don’t cover your ass” situations are particularly likely to occur.

The Importance of Transparency
In business and personal relationships, we live in an age where openness from the start is encouraged, as concealment can undermine trust.

Consistency of behavior
People tend to judge the whole by its parts, so inconsistent attitudes and behaviors can be seen as “hiding one’s head to hide one’s bottom.
The proverb, “Hide your head and you shall not hide your ass,” ironically describes a situation in which one tries to hide one’s shortcomings and failures, but in doing so, the opposite is true: one becomes conspicuous. From this proverb, we can learn the importance of honesty, an attitude of not hiding things, and the importance of being objective about one’s own actions. Especially in today’s society, where transparency and consistency of information is required in many situations, we can apply this lesson to our daily lives and work to build trust.







  1. NOと言う勇気(Courage to say NO)

  2. 井の中の蛙大海を知らず(A frog in a well does not know the ocean)

  3. 歴女(Female history buff)

  4. ガラスの天井(Glass ceiling)

  5. サプライズ(Surprise)

  6. 君子危うきに近寄らず(A wise man keeps away from danger)

  7. 無縁社会(Unrelated society)

  8. 臭い物に蓋をする(Cover up stinky things)

  9. 所得格差(Income difference)

  10. 知らぬが仏(Ignorance is bliss)