対岸の火事(Fire on the opposite shore)


対岸の火事(たいがんのかじ)」 とは、自分には直接関係のない出来事やトラブルを指す表現です。特に、それが他人にとって深刻な問題であっても、自分に影響がないために無関心でいられる状況を示します。



































A “fire on the other side of the river” is an expression that refers to an event or trouble that does not directly affect you. In particular, it indicates a situation in which one can be indifferent to a serious problem, even if it is serious for others, because it does not affect oneself.
This proverb imagines a fire on the other side of the river. The fire itself is a serious danger, but the river separates your side of the river from the other side, implying a situation in which you are safe.

Origin of the word
The “other bank” refers to the other side of the river, and “fire” is its symbolic emergency.
In ancient times, Japanese rivers served to separate the spheres of life, and there actually existed the phenomenon of a disaster not affecting the other side of a river.
From this, it became a metaphor referring to “someone else’s problem.

Examples and nuances
Example of usage

A major project failed at my company, but I thought it was just a fire on the other side of the river because we are not a part of it.” The company seems indifferent to the troubles in other departments.
If we think of environmental problems as a fire on the other side of the river, it will affect us someday.” A situation that warns against an indifferent attitude.

This expression often includes indifference, irresponsibility, and a cold attitude.
However, it may also be used with the nuance of calmly looking at the situation and sorting out one’s own position.

Related Psychology
The following psychology may be at work in people who adopt a “fire on the other side of the river” attitude:

Psychology of self-preservation
A desire to avoid being disadvantaged by getting involved in other people’s problems.

Indifference or insensitivity
Lack of empathy or interest in the problems of others.

Lack of spare time
Having one’s hands full with oneself and not having the time to get involved in the problems of others.

Synonyms and antonyms

High-mindedness”: refers to an attitude of looking at problems that do not concern oneself from a safe distance.
Mosquito’s view”: an expression indicating one’s lack of involvement in the problems of others and one’s irrelevance to them.

Not a stranger: An attitude that sees other people’s problems as if they were one’s own.
Ichiren-takusho: expresses an attitude of sharing one’s fate with others.

Influences of “Fire on the other side of the river
Positive Effects

Calm judgment”: Since you are not directly affected, you can analyze the situation without becoming emotionally involved.
Avoid unnecessary risks”: By not getting involved in other people’s troubles, we can keep ourselves safe.

Negative Influence
Ignoring other people’s problems has a negative impact on relationships.
Potential for escalating problems: Problems that you think are none of your business may later affect you.

Fire on the other side of the river” in today’s society.
This expression is used frequently even today. It is especially true in the following contexts

Environmental issues
“If you think global warming is a fire on the other side of the river, it will have a huge impact on our future.” A warning to those who think it is not directly related to them.

International Affairs
War in a distant country may seem like a distant fire on the other side of the river, but it can affect our economy and security. : Suggests global impact, even if regionally distant.

Workplace and schools
“If you think of your colleague’s failure as a fire on the other side of the river, your entire team’s reputation goes down the drain.” : Situations that call into question one’s responsibility as a member of a team or organization.

The expression “fire on the other side of the river” tells us that it is not always right to remain indifferent to issues that seemingly have no impact on us. Even if it does not directly affect you, it may have a long-term impact on you, so it is important to have a moderate level of concern and care.

To discourage an attitude of indifference, it is important to consider cooperation and support as needed, rather than treating the “fire on the other side of the river” as just another person’s problem.







  1. 蛙化現象(Frogification)

  2. 出る杭は打たれる(The nail that sticks out gets hammered in)

  3. 金にふさがれた口(Mouths full of money)

  4. こだまでしょうか(Is it the particulars?)

  5. 急がば回れ(Haste makes speedy)

  6. 本当の友達(True friend)

  7. ミサイルだらけの世界(A world full of missiles)

  8. カープ女子(Carp Girls)

  9. きつねダンス(Fox dance)

  10. 対岸の火事(Fire on the opposite shore)